HCBS Self-Assessment Change – DUE 6/30/20


Hello NBRC vendors,

Providers of the below identified service codes are required to complete an HCBS self-assessment. The original deadline for completion was 3/31/20.

Given the current circumstances, DDS has extended the due date for HCBS self-assessments to June 30, 2020.

DDS Directive on Requirements Waived due to COVID-19 and Additional Guidance 3-18-20

Residential: 096, 113, 904, 905, 910, 915, 920

Day Programs: 028, 055, 063, 475, 505, 510, 515, 855

Employment Programs: 950, 954


If a representative from your agency has not already received an email with login information, please go to the self-assessment website using the link below, and click on “Need an account”. This will allow your agency to register and access the required self-assessment.


Please reach out to me directly with any questions.

Thank you!


Ashley McConnell

Federal Revenue Programs Supervisor

North Bay Regional Center

610 Airpark Rd. Napa, Ca. 94558

Direct: (707) 256-1294
