Self-Determination Program (SDP)

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Free SDP Coaching Now Available!

Phoenix Facilitation has a team of experienced Coaches available for participants and families interested in transitioning to the Self-Determination Program at the North Bay Regional Center (NBRC). They work collaboratively with the Regional Center staff to guide people through the process. This service is FREE for NBRC participants and families and is paid for by a grant awarded to Phoenix Facilitation by NBRC’s Self-Determination Advisory Committee.

Getting started on your enrollment journey is as easy as clicking the button below!

For more information about Phoenix Facilitation click here

¡Entrenamiento SDP gratuito ahora disponible!

Phoenix Facilitation tiene un equipo de Entrenadores experimentados disponibles para los participantes y las familias interesadas en la transición al Programa de Autodeterminación en el Centro Regional del Norte de la Bahía (NBRC). Trabajan en colaboración con el personal del Centro Regional para guiar a las personas a través del proceso. este servicio es GRATIS para los participantes y las familias de NBRC y se paga con una subvención otorgada a Phoenix Facilitation por el Comité Asesor de Autodeterminación de NBRC.

¡Comenzar su viaje de inscripción es tan fácil como hacer clic en el botón a continuación!

For more information about Phoenix Facilitation click here

Enrollment Steps
Upcoming Events
  • Attend the North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) Self-Determination Advisory Committee (SDAC) Meeting.  The meeting will be in-person at our Napa office, and will also be available virtually via Zoom for those unable to attend in-person.  The next meeting is Monday March 10, 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.
    • Napa office address:  610 Airpark Road Napa CA, 94558
    • Join
  • Attend the monthly Self-Determination Self Advocacy Leadership Committee hosted by the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD.) The meeting is open to anyone 18 and above who is interested in and or participates in Self-Determination.Meetings occur on the 2nd Monday of each month at 3pm

Meeting ID: 822 801 1208  Phone: 669- 444-9171, 8228011208

If you have a questions email David Grady at

SDP Resources