Client Advisory Committee kick-off meeting – Nov 7th!

NBRC’s Board of Directors has formed a CLIENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, which is having its kick-off meeting on November 7th from 1-3pm!

Please see the below flyer for details and pass along the information!

CAC flyer 2018

CAC flyer 2018 Spanish



10/3/2018 – The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) released an online survey for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to provide information that will be part of the larger on-going regional center provider rate study.  It is the first time that the State is conducting a survey specifically for regional center consumers and their families on issues linked to regional center provider rates, that follows the recently completed statewide survey of regional center providers.
The deadline for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to respond and submit the new online survey is October 28th, midnight, Sunday evening.
The new online survey for consumers and families is voluntary and not mandatory.
The anonymous survey takes about 15 to 20 minutes or less to complete online. To protect people’s privacy, the online survey does not ask any information regarding a person’s name or address, though does ask general information about the person filling out the survey.
In addition to English, the online survey was also translated in sixteen languages that Medi-Cal is required to use in California.
The survey can be accessed online at:
:   There is no hard copy version of the survey.
The Department of Developmental Services – the state agency that oversees, under contract, the 21 non-profit regional centers who determine eligibility, handle caseload issues and fund the community-based organizations and individuals who provide the actual services and supports – is required to submit the finished the regional center provider rate study to the Legislature by March 2019.  That requirement was part of a special session bill in 2016 (ABx2 1) that also included significant funding increases for regional centers and a wide range of providers.


The online regional center consumer and family survey seeks information from people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families on services and supports they are receiving – or not receiving. This includes questions about the quality of services or availability of services.
The questions in the online survey are connected to the issues regarding regional center provider rates, which is the money from the State (most of it matched by federal Medicaid dollars) that are paid to regional center funded community-based organizations and individuals to provide those supports and services. This includes issues that are connected to unmet needs due to lack of services for various reasons, including ethnic and cultural disparities and geography.
Like the previous online regional center provider survey, the online consumer and family survey is voluntary and not mandatory.
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) said the information from the both surveys and also other information (including public input from the soon to be announced regional meetings or forums) will be critical parts in helping the Brown Administration this year and the new Administration next year come up with recommendations to the Legislature due by March 2019.
Those recommendations in the rate study will likely be a subject of the Legislative budget subcommittee hearings that includes public comments in March-April 2019, and also the subject of the new Governor’s proposed budget revisions in May 2019 – known as the “May Revise”.  That will be followed by a final round of Legislative budget subcommittee hearings that will likely include the rate study and possible proposals either from the new Governor or from legislators (or both) with public comments.  Depending on the economic and political environment next year and other factors, that in turn could lead to possible increases in rates for some – or all –  regional center funded providers possibly in the 2019-2020 State Budget year that begins July 1, 2019.
The regional center provider survey and the regional center consumer and family survey are two pieces of a larger rate study of regional center funded providers that was required by state law passed and enacted in 2016.  That rate study is meant to address what Brown Administration officials, legislators from both parties, people with developmental disabilities and families, providers, regional centers, and advocates have publicly agreed is a major State issue regarding the need for more funding for services and supports for hundreds of thousands of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, including community-based organizations and workers who provide those services and supports.

For questions or comments about the regional center consumer and family survey, send email to:
For questions about the regional center provider rate study, send email to:
Regional Center Provider Rate Study Webpage (Department of Developmental Services website):
Burns and Associates (consulting firm hired by Department of Developmental Services to conduct the rate study under the department) webpage on the regional center provider rate study:

Self Determination Program: DDS Announces Initial 2,500 SDP Participants Selected

October 1, 2018 –The Department is pleased to announce that the initial 2,500 participants for the Self-Determination Program have been selected.

The Department will mail notification letters to all individuals to communicate their selection status.  To find out if you were selected to participate, you may enter your UCI (Unique Client Identifier) number at

Please view this updated information at

copy of notification letters: SDP Selection Letter 10 1 18 

SDP Not Selected Letter 10 1 18

Board of Directors Executive Committee Meeting Thursday, September 20, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Board of Directors Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 20, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
Teleconference # 707 256-1166
Access Code # 222222

see agenda here:

 9-20-18 Board of Director Executive Committee







Call for Applications for Disparity Funds Program

Department of Developmental Services Announcement

Date:  August 17, 2018

In 2016, ABX2 1 (Chapter 3, Statutes of 2016) added Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code section 4519.5(h) to the W&I Code and allocated funds to the Department of Developmental Services (Department), to assist regional centers in the implementation of strategies to reduce disparities in the purchase of services (POS).  In Fiscal Year (FY) 2016/17, the Department solicited regional center proposals and approved funding for projects to reduce disparities and promote equitable access to regional center services and supports.


In 2017, trailer bill language amended W&I Code section 4519.5 to allow community- based organizations (CBO) to apply for and receive funding to address disparities and/or equitable access to services. The Department is accepting proposals from regional centers and CBOs for funds available in FY 2018/19.


Regional centers and CBOs are invited to respond to this call for applications for the Disparity Funds Program. Applicants that submit proposals must comply with the instructions contained in the attached Guidelines for Applicants. Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. PST on October 16, 2018. The Department will review proposals and respond to each by November 30, 2018.

A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) will be posted to the Department’s webpage and updated following the conference call on 9/13/18. If you need copies of any of the documents referenced in this packet, please contact:


Regional Center Branch Department of Developmental Services 1600 9th Street, Room 340, MS 3-12

Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 654-2297

NBRC Presents Performance Contract Plan for 2019 – Sept 5th

Public Meeting to Review 2019 Performance Plan


Wed, September 5, 2018

 5-7 pm

Board Room

North Bay Regional Center 610 Airpark Way

Napa, CA 94558


North Bay Regional Center wants to make sure that we are continuously improving. We strive to exceed our mission, desired outcomes, and that we are in compliance with all requirements.


The NBRC Performance Plan measures our ongoing performance on desired statewide outcomes, and compares North Bay Regional Center’s performance with the statewide average for all 21 regional centers in California. These desired outcomes reflect the state’s public policy direction for developmental services in the community.


We continue to fulfill all planned activities with the intent of improving outcomes as directed by our community members, Board of Directors, and NBRC staff.


How do we implement this plan?

We are continuing activities from this year and prior years, such as the continued development of licensed homes, day activities, family support and training and more in 2018/19, such as:


  • Support for clients to move from State Developmental Centers to homes in the community
  • Support for children to live with families (their own family, foster family, or with a guardian)
  • Support for adults to live in home environments (in their own home with or without supported living services as needed, with their family)
  • Coordination of employment preparation and training, job development, and ongoing support for adults to find and maintain


You are invited to hear a presentation of our proposed plan and provide your input. We will present the plan and listen to your comments during the Public Meeting of the NBRC Board of Directors on September 5, 2018.


or send your written input by mail or email to:

January Crane, MPA

Department Manager

PO Box 3360 NAPA CA 94558


Interested in Becoming a Vendor of NBRC? Check this out…

Pre Vendor Workshop – September 18th

For any applicants that are interested in becoming a vendor or are in the process please attend our Pre Vendor Workshop held on September 18th at the Napa office.

Pre Vendor Workshop Informational Flyer

Pre Vendor Workshop Registration Form