Request for Proposal – Spiritual Care Services Coordination

North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) is a community- based, private non-profit corporation that is
funded by the State of California to serve people with developmental disabilities as required by the
Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act. North Bay Regional Center is one of 21 Regional
Centers throughout California serving individuals and their families who reside within Napa, Solano,
and Sonoma Counties. NBRC receives funds from the Department of Developmental Services to
fund services in the community for persons with developmental disabilities.

NBRC is in need of services in the following areas:

**Coordination of Spiritual Care Services Program for individuals with
developmental disabilities.

Closing of RFP: June 20, 2018
Initial review period: June 21, 2018
Announcement of those proposals moving to interview phase: June 22, 2018
RFP Candidate Interviews date: June 25, 2018
Notification of selected service provider June 27, 2018
Signing of NBRC start up contract June 30, 2018

for more information. please see our Service Provider webpage:


Self Determination Waiver Approved

The Department is very pleased to announce that the application for federal funding, or Waiver, for the Self-Determination Program was approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  This news represents an essential step toward providing people who receive regional center services and their families an alternative way to coordinate their services, with more freedom and control over how the services are provided and the individuals who support them. We would like to express sincere appreciation for the assistance and guidance from the Department’s self-determination advisory workgroup and other stakeholders, which has been instrumental in gaining CMS’ approval of the Waiver. We also thank and recognize the work and technical assistance received from many representatives of CMS and California’s Department of Health Care Services.

In October 2013, Governor Edmund G. Brown signed Senate Bill 468, authored by Senators Bill Emmerson and Jim Beall and co-authored by Assembly Members Holly Mitchell and Wesley Chesbro, into law. This law, championed by remarkable and determined self-advocates, family members and advocacy organizations, established a statewide Self-Determination Program that adheres to the following principles to ensure those who participate have:

  • Freedom – to exercise the same rights as all citizens; to establish, with freely chosen supporters, family and friends, where they want to live, with whom they want to live, how their time will be occupied, and who supports them;
  • Authority –  to control a budget in order to purchase services and supports of their choosing;
  • Support – including the ability to arrange resources and personnel, which will allow flexibility to live in the community of their choice;
  • Responsibility – which includes the ability to take responsibility for making decisions in their own lives and accept a valued role in their community, and
  • Confirmation – in making decisions in their own lives by designing and operating the system that they rely on.

Self-determination in California began almost twenty years ago as a small pilot project in limited areas of the state, with the intention of eventually expanding the program statewide.  The time from the start of the pilot project, to Governor Brown’s signing of the law in October 2013, to now has only heightened the desire to implement self-determination broadly in California.

While approval of the Waiver represents the key step towards implementation of the Self-Determination Program, the Department and the self-determination advisory workgroup must continue to focus on finalizing program components for implementation.  Providing information and support, in particular training and orientation materials, needed to assist those who are selected and choose to participate is central to implementation and is in the final stages of completion.  We remain committed to implementing this important program and look forward to the continued collaboration, not only with the Department’s advisory workgroup, but also the local volunteer advisory committees and the Statewide Self-Determination Advisory Committee.  The Department will publish a timeline with key dates for implementation by June 18, 2018.  Updates will be posted on the Department’s dedicated website page for Self-Determination at:  If you would like to be notified of future updates about Self-Determination, please send an email to  Information for those who are interested on how they can be considered for participation in the Self-Determination Program can be found at

Please join me in celebrating the approval of the Self-Determination Program Waiver and thanking the Department’s self-determination advisory workgroup for their dedication and countless hours of work to make it happen.


Department of Developmental Services


For history regarding the application and approval of the Self-Determination Program click the link below:


NBRC is Requesting Proposals for Services: Non-Community Placement Plan

NBRC is Requesting Proposals for the following services:

  • Adult Residential Facilities
  • Supported Employment
  • Specialized Therapeutic Services
  • Early Start Intake Services

Please see our webpage for more details:

Partnership and the Whole Child Model Transition

Partnership HealthPlan of California would like to take the time to engage with families, providers, county staff, and the community partners that may have any questions or concerns regarding the transition from California Children’s Services (CCS) to Whole Child Model (WCM). For those who are interested please RSVP as a light lunch will be provided.


May 9, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to  1:30 p.m. at Partnership’s Fairfield Office, Napa/Solano Room: 4665 Business Center Dr, Fairfield, CA 94534

RSVP link:


May 16, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to  1:30 p.m. at Partnership’s Santa Rosa Office: 495 Tesconi Circle, Santa Rosa,CA 95401

RSVP link:


Pre Vendor Workshop Offered at NBRC!

Wednesday, May 16th


If you are interested in becoming a vendor with North Bay Regional Center (NBRC), come to a our pre- vendor workshop to gain insight of what’s involved and what to expect as vendor at NBRC.

More information:

Pre Vendor Workshop Flyer



On Friday, April 6, North Bay Regional Center was notified by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) of a possible data breach of personal health information as a result of forced entry and vandalism of one of their secure office locations on February 11, 2018. DDS has been working closely with state officials and law enforcement to investigate this incident.

While there is no evidence that any information has been compromised, accessed, stolen or removed from the site, it is out of an overabundance of caution that they are notifying individuals served and the public about the incident. A notification letter from DDS Director Nancy Bargmann outlining the details of the breach and steps being taken to support those who have concerns regarding their personal data can be found on the DDS website.

Please know that NBRC is in regular contact with the DDS on this matter and will notify our community immediately if there are any further developments to this issue. Information about the data breach and who you can contact for more information can be found in the DDS notification letter.

Frequently Asked Questions

DDS Data Breach Call Center
If you have more questions about this breach, please contact DDS’s call center Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time, at (877) 790-8160.

You may also e-mail DDS directly with questions at

Please do not include your social security number or medical information in an e-mail to DDS.

For history regarding the application and approval of the Self-Determination Program, click the link below: