PG&E Rolling Black out Alert

This is a message from North Bay Regional Center. Please be aware that PG&E will begin rolling blackouts starting today at 3 pm. You may lose power without notice. Please take the necessary precautions.

Please remember to :

  • Charge up all battery dependent medical equipment and cell phones.

  • Have flashlights and batteries ready.

  • Have alternate plans for refrigerating medicines.

For more information about how you can prepare for a power outage, follow this link:

Thank you, North Bay Regional Center.

NBRC Emergency Response (800) 884-1594.

HCBS Self-Assessments Due 8/31/20 & HCBS Compliance Extension to 3/17/23

HCBS Self-Assessment Website link:

CMS guidance regarding HCBS compliance extension link:

A Message from Executive Director, Gabriel Rogin

NBRC Executive Director’s Statement to Board of Directors – June 3rd, 2020

It’s important to acknowledge that our community, and our country, are in turmoil right now.  We’ve all seen the news around the protests and calls for action centered on police brutality.  Many in our community, especially our Black and African American community members, are experiencing extreme forms of trauma on a repeated basis.  Many people are mentally and spiritually exhausted and justifiably very angry.

NBRC has been, and continues to be, committed to cultural competency.  As such, we value diversity and equity and strongly condemn any form of racism or discrimination.  Our hearts go out to all those in pain during this extremely challenging time.  We stand in solidarity with those standing for justice.

I spoke with a very smart, courageous member of our staff yesterday.  She reminded me that “when things get messy” it’s especially important for leaders to speak.  She also reminded me of an important quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. “Our lives begin to end when we become silent about things that matter.”

I know that my words today will not solve anything but NBRC will not be silent.


Gabriel Rogin, Executive Director


Prevent Cuts to Developmental Services – ALERT


Governor Newsom has released his updated Budget proposal. Called “the May Revise” (because it comes out in May, and revises an earlier proposal), it factors in the major impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our state’s economy.

See budget documents here

In real terms, this means well over half a billion dollars in money taken away from our service system. Some of this comes from new ideas being cancelled. And a huge part of it is cuts to service providers and regional centers.

However, these are “trigger” cuts. If new federal funding is provided to the states, these cuts will not be triggered. Regardless of whether your member of Congress is a Democrat or Republican, they need to hear from you today!

Advocate For Federal Support for California

A quick call (or email) to your member of Congress is how you can help prevent hundreds of millions of dollars being cut from our service system!

1) Go to and enter your zip code.

2) When it identifies your representative, click on the “mail” icon under their picture. See Example Below:

3) You may be asked to re-enter your zip code. If you don’t know the extra four digits, that’s usually ok

4) Either fill out the email form, or scroll to the bottom of the screen for the phone number for their office. You can call their district office or the office in

Washington, D.C. (note that D.C. is three hours ahead of California, so call before 2pm)

What do you say? Here is an example:

I am a constituent of the Representative. Please support extra federal funding for California to help save disability services. And please ask your colleagues in the Senate to support it, too!”

This isn’t about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about the services that make full, integrated lives possible for over 350,000 Californians with developmental disabilities. Your advocacy can make a difference, but only if you act now!

What Services Are To Be Cut in Proposed Budget?

“Absent additional federal funds, the COVID-19 Recession makes the following REDUCTIONS necessary to balance the state budget. These reductions will be triggered off if the federal government provides sufficient funding to restore them”


·    Rate Reductions, Expenditure, and Utilization Reviews—Adjust provider rates and review expenditure trends resulting in anticipated cut of $300 million

General Fund in 2020-21. (This is approximately a 10% cut to community based services).

  • $31.3 million cut by implementing the uniform furlough schedule, requiring clients and families to go without community based services, and staff to be furloughed 14 days per year.

  • Cost Sharing for Higher Income Families—Establish a cost-sharing program that would result in a cut of approximately $2 million General Fund in 2020-21 and $4 million ongoing.

  • Regional Center Operations—A reduction to the operations budget for Regional Centers. This proposal results in a cut of $30 million General Fund in 2020-21 and $55 million ongoing.


Enhanced Performance Incentive Program—Would have aligned Regional Center performance contracts and require Regional Centers to meet an advanced tier of performance measures and outcomes to be eligible for an incentive payment. This results in a savings of $60 million General Fund in 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

  • Enhanced Caseload Ratios for Young Children—Would have reduced the regional center services coordinator caseload ratio for children who are three to five years old. This results in a savings of $11.8 million General Fund in 2020-21.

  • Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources and Treatment Training—Would have provided training and supportive services for individuals with co-occurring developmental disabilities and mental health needs. This results in a savings of $2.6 million General Fund in 2020-21.

  • Provider Rate Adjustments—Would have provided supplemental rate increases for Early Start Specialized Therapeutic Services, Infant Development Programs and Independent Living services. This results in a savings of $10.8 million General Fund in 2020-21 and $21.6 million in 2021-22.




  • IHSS Service Hours—The May Revision assumes a 7-percent reduction in the number of hours provided to IHSS beneficiaries, effective January 1, 2021. This proposal would result in a cut of $205 million General Fund in 2020-21.

  • County and Public Authority Administration—The May Revision freezes IHSS county administration funding at the 2019-20 level. This proposal would result in a cut of $12.2 million General Fund in 2020-21.

Healthcare (Medi-Cal, Dental, Therapies, ICF-DDs)


  • Adult Dental and Other Optional Benefits—The May Revision proposes to reduce adult dental benefits to the partial restoration levels of 2014. In addition, the May Revision proposes to eliminate audiology, incontinence creams and washes, speech therapy, optician/optical lab, podiatry, acupuncture, optometry, nurse anesthetists services, occupational and physical therapy, pharmacist services, screening, brief intervention and referral to treatments for opioids and other illicit drugs in Medi-Cal, and diabetes prevention program services, for a total General Fund cut of $54.7 million.

  • Proposition 56 Adjustments—Beginning in 2020-21, the May Revision proposes to shift $1.2 billion in Proposition 56 funding from providing supplemental payments for ICF-DDs, physician, dental, family health services, developmental screenings, and non-emergency medical transportation, value-based payments, and loan repayments for physicians and dentists to support growth in the Medi-Cal program compared to 2016 Budget Act.

“The state is not in a fiscal position to increase rates or expand programs given the drastic budget impacts of the COVID-19 Recession.”

DDS Posts 2020-21 Budget Revision



The Department of Developmental Services (Department) is responsible for administering the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Lanterman Act). The Lanterman Act provides for the coordination and provision of services and supports to enable people with developmental disabilities to lead more independent, productive, and integrated lives. The Early Start Program provides for the delivery of services to infants and toddlers at risk of having a developmental disability. The Department carries out its responsibilities through contracts with 21 community-based, non-profit corporations known as regional centers, two state-operated developmental centers, one state-operated community facility, and Stabilization, Training, Assistance and Reintegration (STAR) homes.


The number of individuals served by regional centers (consumers) is expected to increase from 348,187 in the current year to 366,353 in 2020-21.  The ending population of individuals in state-operated residential facilities is estimated to be 302 on July 1, 2020.



The 2020-21 May Revision includes $9.2 billion total funds ($5.5 billion General Fund [GF]) for the Department in 2020-21; a net increase of $774.6 million ($434.8 million GF) over the updated 2019-20 budget.


For updated May Revise Budget Documents, please view here:  DDS May Revision Budget 2020-21

HCBS Self-Assessment Change – DUE 6/30/20


Hello NBRC vendors,

Providers of the below identified service codes are required to complete an HCBS self-assessment. The original deadline for completion was 3/31/20.

Given the current circumstances, DDS has extended the due date for HCBS self-assessments to June 30, 2020.

DDS Directive on Requirements Waived due to COVID-19 and Additional Guidance 3-18-20

Residential: 096, 113, 904, 905, 910, 915, 920

Day Programs: 028, 055, 063, 475, 505, 510, 515, 855

Employment Programs: 950, 954


If a representative from your agency has not already received an email with login information, please go to the self-assessment website using the link below, and click on “Need an account”. This will allow your agency to register and access the required self-assessment.

Please reach out to me directly with any questions.

Thank you!


Ashley McConnell

Federal Revenue Programs Supervisor

North Bay Regional Center

610 Airpark Rd. Napa, Ca. 94558

Direct: (707) 256-1294

Hygiene Supply Needs/Sources


Dear service providers,

Thanks a million to the programs who have stepped up with supplies to donate- you rock!!!  Thanks, also, to those who are reaching out when supplies are running short!

I’ll add a plea for other volunteers to donate supplies, if you are going to be funded through this crisis and have no need of them, whether at your office or facility.  If you have shipments scheduled, please keep the supplies coming rather than canceling the order, if you can afford it.

Can I ask a favor of everyone, to speed up the process of making connections between you?  Please email me (don’t call) me the following info:

Homes running short:

  1. What is needed, in what quantity for a week

  2. Include sizes for anything that has a size, and any specifics such as allergy needs, etc.

  3. Contact name and info

  4. Address

  5. Name of someone who has availability for doing a pick-up (if any) and time frame

Programs with supplies to donate:

  1. What you have available

  2. Include sizes and amounts

  3. Contact name and info

  4. Address

  5. Name of someone who has availability to deliver (if any) and time frame

Please send updates if availability of supplies changes.  For example, if you are lucky enough to receive a shipment and then have additional supplies to share!

With deep appreciation of our supportive community,


Maura McDonough, M.A.

Quality Assurance Supervisor

North Bay Regional Center


Send SIRs to: