Client Advisory Committee Meeting via Zoom 7/2/2020 at 1pm

The next Client Advisory Committee Meeting is July 2, 2020 at 1:00 pm.
via Zoom
or Call-in: 669-900-6833  Meeting ID: 880 7699 4272  Password: 031618

Low-Income Housing units are Available in Santa Rosa For NBRC Clients

Low-Income Housing units are Available in Santa Rosa For NBRC Clients through the HUD 811 project rental assistance (pra) program


The intent of the HUD 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program is to provide high quality, safe and affordable permanent housing to PRA-Eligible clients and to offer PRA-Eligible clients long-term services and supports through NBRC that will enable them to maintain their housing and meet personal goals.

If you are a client of NBRC, family member or conservator and would like to learn more about this program, please reach out to your assigned Service Coordinator for more information and/or for a referral if criteria is met.

More information here:

HUD 811 Set-Asides-Del Nido Apts. Flyer

HUD 811 Set-Asides-Del Nido Apts. -Spanish

HUD 811 Set-Asides-Del Nido Apts. -Tagalog

HUD 811 Set-Asides-Del Nido Apts. -Chinese


Thank You from NBRC!

Please take a moment to check out our video – from NBRC Management to You!

NBRC Appreciation Video




Updates on Food Resources during COVID-19

Food and work are important everyday but especially right now when a lot of things are changing quickly. Here is some information about financial and food benefits that might apply to you.

Increases in CalFresh Benefits: There are food services available for people who are already receiving CalFresh benefits and also for those who are not in the program yet. Check your eligibility and learn about the application process.




A Message from Gabriel Rogin, Executive Director

March 26, 2020

Dear NBRC Clients,

I am writing to you because we are all going through big changes in our lives right now. The governments where we live have ordered us to “shelter in place.” They gave this order to keep us safe and healthy, along with our families, friends and neighbors.

As you may know, there is a bad virus around that has been making people very sick, and it is easy to catch. We can’t always tell who has the germs. We all have to keep a distance from people other than the people we live with.

This means that we won’t be able to follow our usual schedules for a while. We can’t do the things we like to do in the community, like going out to eat or to the movies, doing volunteer jobs, or hanging out with friends. Most places in the community are closed to keep people safe.

Because of these big changes, we might miss our friends, or feel bored or frustrated sometimes. We all need to find ways to keep ourselves busy and calm during this tough time. For example, you can meet with your housemates or staff and figure out different things to do, like call friends and family, watch movies, read, play games or work on art projects.

When it gets hard for you, remember that we are all in this together, all across America. Everyone at North Bay is sending a big “Thank You” for doing your part, by taking care of yourself and each other.

Remember that North Bay Regional Center is here to make sure you have all the support you need. Although our offices are closed right now, you can still call or email your Service Coordinator whenever you need to. Our main phone numbers are (707) 256-1100 in Napa and Solano Counties and (707) 569-2000 in Sonoma County.

Hang in there. We’ll get through this together.


Gabriel Rogin, Executive Director

North Bay Regional Center

NBRC Guidance on Day Program Closures

Dear Service Providers:


If you are also a GGRC Service Provider this communication will be familiar.


The Sonoma County Health Officer has issued a Health Order directing residents to shelter in place effective midnight (12:00 a.m.) on Wednesday March 18,2020. Due to this “shelter in place” directive, all Sonoma County day program sites should remain closed through April 7, 2020.  Please keep in mind, site closure does not prevent day services from supporting program participants in other ways. (see below)

All Residential Services are essential and must remain open.


Day Programs in Sonoma County be sure to:

  • Contact all program participants/their residential services or families
  • Contact transportation about your site closure.
  • We recommend having staff at your program on the first day of closure just in case people are still getting your closure information


Day programs will be able to bill for average attendance in line with the DDS directive issued on March 12, 2020 (  This funding will allow day programs to continue to pay staff and cover operating costs while the day program site is closed.


NBRC supports efforts to keep the individuals we serve healthy and safe during these unprecedented times.  We also recognize the closure results in a significant hardship for individuals who will be without their typical day or employment services.  Additionally, it creates a staffing challenge for residential providers, supported living providers, and families who may be supporting individuals in their family homes.


County DPH directives defines “Essential Businesses” as “businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals.”  Additionally, directives include essential travel as “travel to care for the elderly, minors, dependents, persons with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons.”


NBRC asks day service providers to work with their staff to identify day program staff that may be able to support individuals in their home setting with the following:

  • Providing in-home day program services within the individual’s home if possible or needed
  • Identifying ways for staff to assist individuals with securing items such as groceries or other needed supplies
  • Checking on health and wellness


As you identify ways your program may be able to support individuals in their homes, we urge you to contact residential services and families to discuss how you can provide additional support.  If your agency has the capacity to be of support to our NBRC community in other ways, please email


NBRC asks day service providers to consider ways they may be able to work collaboratively with program participants, residential services, and families to support individuals through these challenging times.


Additionally, NBRC asks all day program services to please email your program name and the contact information of a supervisor or director who may be reachable outside of typical business hours to


Please be sure to contact all program participants and their residential services or families, and R&D transportation about your site closure.


We thank you for your commitment to supporting individuals served within your programs as we all work together to get through these unprecedented times.



Courtney Singleton, MPA

Director of Community Services

North Bay Regional Center

Phone: 707-256-1227



Community Resource Development Plan FY 20/21 – NBRC’s Local Priorities – input needed!

The 2017 Budget Trailer Bill, Assembly Bill 107, amended The Lanterman Act Section 4418.25 and added Section 4679, authorizing the Department of Developmental Services – when it determines that sufficient funding has been appropriated and reserved for a fiscal year for the Community Placement Plan (CPP) – to allocate the remaining CPP funds to regional centers for purposes of community resource development to address services and supports needs of consumers living in the community.

A Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) is developed by each regional center in California with stakeholder input. This plan will be used to develop new resources for individuals with developmental disabilities living in the community.

*survey closes 4/13/2020


For FY 19/20, NBRC gathered stakeholder input via survey and public meeting and determined the below local priorities for NBRC’s Community Resource Development Plan:

  • Day/Employment Programs for individuals with intense behavioral needs
  • Children’s Residential Services
  • Employment Services
  • Intense Behavioral Services for individuals with Autism
  • Respite for individuals with intense behavioral needs
  • Crisis Services-all ages