The Invisible Learning Disability

Educational implications of Prenatal Substance Abuse Exposure and Trauma featuring Ira Chasnoff, M.D. This important training conference is coming to Fairfield in May. Click here to register or see the flyer here to learn more:Registration Chasnoff Powell 2015

Community Conversations

Napa Valley Hospice Adult Day Services hosts a series of “community conversations” as we face the realities and opportunities of aging. Starting April 9th, see the flyer here for more information about making decisions, managing stress, and so much more: Community Conversations 2015

Autism Awareness Day: A’s vs. Mariners

Supporters of Autism Speaks and autism awareness, and their friends and families, can purchase Plaza Outfield seats for only $15 when the A’s play the Seattle Mariners on Sunday, April 12. For more information, or to purchase a group of 25+, please contact Julie Parra at 510-563-2288 or or buy tickets here.

From Reality TV to the Real World: Dept. of Rehabilitation Training

Help youth discover that it really takes to succeed.  The Department of Rehabilitation is holding a training on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 from 9-4:00pm.

This training is open to DOR counselors, Employment Coordinators and Service Coordinators; TPP staff and teachers; DOR partner agencies who provide employment services to DOR clients. If you would like to attend, see registration information here: Reality TV to The Real World Flyer


Common Core & Special Education: What Parents Need to Know

In this webinar, Kevin Schaefer, Assistant Director of Special Programs with WestEd’s Center for Prevention & Early Intervention, will address the following topics:

– What is Common Core, and why was it adopted?

– How does it relate to special education?

– How does it affect my child’s IEP?

– What kinds of accommodations can be written into the IEP in order to help my child succeed with Common Core?

Join this webinar Thursday March 26th from 10:00-11:00am by registering here.

Target Behaviors

Currently, the US Department of Education is in the process of revising the NCLB laws. Some states have begun using Common Core Standards to assess the academic achievements of students’. Unfortunately, not all students, staff, and parents are ready to handle students response to these new educational requirements. Behaviors have escalated amongst students’ due to the additional academic pressures they face each day. Behavior escalations will impact the home, school, and community. This training will teach you how to identify behaviors and describe what you need to do to begin managing behaviors across all environmental settings. 

Click here to register for this event:

Thursday, March 26, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT)

Zoe Building/He Brew’s It Cafe 1745 Enterprise Dr Fairfield, CA 94533

Napa Spring Bowling Starts in April

Get ready to bowl! Napa Special Olympics spring bowling starts April 4rth. Open  to both Napa and Solano residents, click here to find out more about registering today!