Disability Thrive Initiative

New Legislation for Developmental Services

With Governor Brown’s new budget comes new legislation for Developmental Services. Trailer Bill language (AB 1606) includes new language regarding the Developmental Centers services, new rates for licensed homes, work activity programs, and competitive employment amongst other things. Click here to get the full summary of AB 1606.

Medicare Releases Draft Proposal For Patient Observation Notice

In just two months, a federal law kicks in requiring hospitals to tell their Medicare patients if they have not been formally admitted and why. But some physician, hospital and consumer representatives say a notice drafted by Medicare for hospitals to use may not do the job.Read more.


State Legislators Push Bill To Inform Patients Of Drug Company Discount Programs

California lawmakers are lining up in support of a bill that would require health plans to provide information about patient-assistance programs for expensive prescription drugs to enrollees who drop or lose their coverage.  The programs are funded by pharmaceutical companies and offer people financial aid for brand-name drugs. They provide the aid to both the uninsured and to people with health coverage, particularly those who are struggling to afford their share of expensive specialty medications. Read more.

What You Need to Know About California’s Aid-in-Dying Law

Starting Thursday, June 9th, terminally ill Californians with six months or less to live can request a doctor’s prescription for medications intended to end their lives peacefully. If that sounds simple, it won’t be. Read more.

Governor: We can’t Buy Our Way Out of the Affordable Housing Problem

Some context here. Yes, the governor’s math was wrong. But his larger point is that housing subsidies don’t deliver enough bang for the buck especially when compared to broader housing supply needs.

Indeed, an affordable housing plan from Assembly Democrats would cost $1.3 billion and produce up to 25,000 units over time. Read more.

California Lifts Mandatory Statewide Water Restriction

California lifted its statewide mandate to cut urban water use Wednesday, marking a turning point in the state’s prolonged drought. Read more.

Brown’s Revised May Budget Reflects Caution

California Gov. Jerry Brown’s revised two-year budget plan released Friday reflects conservative changes, but no immediate cuts, to help the state weather lower tax revenues.
Brown said the state needs to prepare for a recession and avoid major spending, citing already flattening tax receipts.
“I’m going to be pretty resolute on this budget,” the governor said during a press conference in Sacramento. “We need reserves.”
While the state does not need to make premature cuts, Brown said it will be ready to do so if needed. Read more.