Disability Thrive Initiative

Renewing Early Start

The Budget Conference Committee has voted unanimously to renew Early Start! This vote will provide the funding to restore eligibility to pre-2009 levels, beginning on January 1, 2015. It works hand-in-glove with Trailer Bill Language that was just released, which will create the legal basis for the change (simultaneously creating the program need for the money now budgeted). As a footnote, by setting the start date on January 1, the first year cost is cut in half – which is why the actual amount approved was $7.85 million instead of $15.7 million. Going forward, starting in Fiscal Year 2015-16, full funding of $15.7 million will occur.

However, several steps in the Budget process remain. Ultimately, this – and all other elements of the Budget, taken as a single bill – must be approved by the Legislature. This will happen this Sunday afternoon, at 4pm. It may be watched online. The Budget, along with the Trailer Bills, will then be sent to the Governor for his review. He must sign the Budget no later than midnight June 30th.

Budget Subcommittees Approve Funding

While changes to the budget for 2014-15 will not become final until voted on by the full legislature and signed by Governor Brown, important steps were taken by both the Senate and Assembly budget subcommittees. The following restorations or increases were approved of for developmental services:

  • Restore funding and eligibility requirements for Early Start
  • Remove prohibition for regional centers’ funding of insurance deductibles for IPP services funded by insurance plans
  • Allow payment of overtime hours for caregivers of respite, supported living services, and In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

The Assembly also voted to restore $11.3 million to supported employment programs, rescinding the 10% cut that was made in 2008.

Keep up with legislative and budget updates with the California Disability Community Action Network (CDCAN) by signing up here

Lanterman Coalition Budget Proposal

 As you may well know, ARCA-  along with the Lanterman Coalition of representatives from regional centers, advocate groups, and service providers-   has been actively promoting the Coalition’s eight budget priorities, meeting directly with legislators. Assemblymember Chesbro, continuing his long history of advocacy for people with developmental disabilities, has authored a letter asking his colleagues to sign on in support of the Lanterman Coalition’s budget request. ARCA has been using this letter (below) as the basis for recent work at the Capitol, but this also presents an opportunity to connect with your local legislators and help restore cuts to Early Start and expansion of regional center funding. Read more about these efforts and what you can do in the letters attached here:

Chesbro Lanterman Coalition Letter

Lanterman Coalition Budget Proposal

NBRC Requests for Proposals

NBRC has 6 new RFPs out in request for resource development in a number of areas. Please check our RFP page here for more information.

Improving Jobs

With California passing recent “Work First” legislation that mandates competitive employment be the first option explored for adults with developmental disabilities, across the country Rhode Island seeks to improve jobs for intellectually disabled with legislation targeting low-paying sheltered workshops:

The average pay was $2.21 an hour, according to state data obtained by the Justice Department. Nationwide, about 450,000 people with disabilities spend their days in segregated sheltered workshops.

Read More

State Limits Denial of Autism Therapy

The California Department of Insurance yesterday announced approval of new regulations that clarify medical necessity in autism treatment.
Approval for permanent status of the regulations came from the Office of Administrative Law on April 10. The rules had been issued on an emergency basis in March 2013, but the new OAL ruling gives a permanent status that could lead to greater enforcement and penalties from the state insurance commissioner if insurers delay or deny autism services.
Read more here.

Advocates Move for Early Start

This year, advocates are pushing again to Renew Early Start. And you can  tell key legislators to fully fund Early Start. The time to act is now! Serious cuts in 2009 ended access to Early Start for infants at risk of a developmental disability – whether born prematurely, born to a parent with a developmental disability, or prenatal drug exposure. Read more or sign the petition here.