Disability Thrive Initiative

Directives from DDS Regarding COVID 19

Coronavirus Information and Resources

The state is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local governments, and health care providers across California to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19, a respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus. State and county public health officials are continuously assessing the situation and will alert the community as the situation changes.

Please check the DDS website for current information

Directives to Regional Centers:

DDS Directive Requirement Waived Due COVID

DDS Directive Day Services COVID-19


Stakeholder Survey on Person-Centered Practices – due February 21st

Good Afternoon,


The Department of Developmental Services is partnering with Support Development Associates (SDA) to develop training on person-centered thinking and practices. Knowledge of the principles of person-centered practices and the ability to apply such principles is important for the successful implementation of the Self-Determination Program and meeting the HCBS settings requirements outlined in the January 2014 federal regulations. SDA is compiling information from California stakeholders to inform our understanding of the current state of person-centered practices in California. This information will be used to develop and facilitate trainings throughout the state in the coming months.


All service providers, individuals receiving services, and those who support them are encouraged to complete the Stakeholder Survey below by Friday, February 21st, 2020. The survey will take approximately 3 – 5 minutes and your input is greatly appreciated.


Stakeholder survey links:


Information regarding this survey and the links has been posted to the Department’s website at: https://www.dds.ca.gov/initiatives/cms-hcbs-regulations/stakeholder-survey-on-person-centered-practices/


Federal Programs Division

CA Department of Developmental Services

Assembly Select Committee on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Hearings video

Families and clients of several Regional Centers have shared wonderful stories of how the Regional Center has supported them and provcided recommendations for continued support.

Please take a peek at clips from the recent Assembly Select Committee on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Hearings

Learn about the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Vendor Rate Study

Do you or a family member receive Regional Center services? Your opinion is important.  

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is working with a contractor to complete a rate study about service provider rates. More information about the rate study can be found here.

The attached flyer provides information about upcoming meetings. Space is limited so please register as soon as possible.

During these meetings you will:

  • Hear about what is included in the rate study and how it was done .
  • Have a chance to give feedback and ask questions

Meetings will be held at the locations listed here: Rate Study OR  Rate Study SPANISH The address for the meeting is included in the link.  Space is limited, so reserve your spot using the link for your preferred location.

If you have questions, please contact Jami at CASurvey@hsri.org

Call (503) 924-3783 X10 for help signing up.


DDS Rate Study- Public Comment Period extended to April 5th

NBRC is requesting Public Comment on the rates paid to providers of services for individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contracted with Burns & Associates, Inc. to complete a rate study of the regional center rate system.  An overview of the rate study including project principles and tasks, as well as information on Burns & Associates, Inc., is available here

The rate study report was presented by Burns & Associates earlier this week (2/28/19) statewide. Documents found here  outline the proposed rates, along with the assumptions that informed the development of those proposed rates.

The public has until April 5th to provide feedback and comments on the rate study.  There are two ways to have your voice heard.

  1. NBRC is gathering input from the providers in the North Bay.  Please email comments to: ratestudy@nbrc.net

  2. Otherwise, you are welcome to respond directly to Burns & Associates at DDSVendorRates@burnshealthpolicy.com.

Governor Newsom Has Release the FY 2019-2020 Budget

From The Office of the Governor:

1/10/19: SACRAMENTO — Governor Gavin Newsom submitted his 2019-20 “California for All” budget proposal to the Legislature today – a fiscal blueprint that builds a strong financial foundation by investing an unprecedented $13.6 billion in budget resiliency and paying down unfunded pension liabilities.

Links to DDS Highlights and Regional Centers and Developmental Centers Estimate can be found here:


DDS Releases Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) 2018-2019 Funding Guidelines

HCBS Compliance Activities Funding

In recognition that service providers will need to continue taking steps towards modifying their services, the 2018 Budget Act (SB 840, Chapter 29, Budget Act 2018) contains $15 million to fund changes that are necessary for providers to come into compliance with the HCBS rules by March 2022.

The Department will hold two, one-hour webinars to review this process and answer questions. To register, click on either of the dates below:

Information regarding the funding process, by fiscal year is available below:

HCBS 2018-19 Funding Letter

HCBS Funding Guidelines FY1819

Attachment C HCBSFunding FY1819