Celebrating 26 Years of Dedication

We are pleased to recognize an esteemed employee of the regional center. Deanna Mobley started her career as a temporary, front desk receptionist. Little did she know this would be the beginning of what would be a long and rewarding career. Deanna will be celebrating her 26-year anniversary this month!
Deanna transitioned from a front desk receptionist when was entrusted with her first permanent role as a Client Services Assistant. Having demonstrated exceptional administrative capabilities and attention to detail, her skills did not go unnoticed as she was promoted to Case Management Assistant. Her career trajectory with the regional center saw her continued advancement over the years. Balancing work while diligently pursuing her education, Deanna obtained an Associate’s, Bachelor’s & Master’s degree! As a proud graduate of Santa Rosa Junior College, Sonoma State University and Western International University, her disciplines in Psychology and Human Dynamics Leadership proved beneficial! She became a Service Coordinator, promoted to Case Management Supervisor, then to Intake Department Manager, and then to Associate Director of Client Services!
Today, we are delighted to share Deanna’s most current role as the Director of Intake and Clinical Services! Having been promoted to this position earlier on for over 3 years now, working closely with a team of dedicated clinicians and staff, she can honestly say that she truly loves her job. Knowing that her work positively affects the people we serve gives Deanna the most fulfillment. She states, “It doesn’t matter what position you have; it’s about being a part of the process. Every position makes a difference.” Those who work with Deanna share the fondest of sentiments, “Deanna sets a high standard for us all and exemplifies leadership skills that I personally strive to obtain. I often find myself saying, ‘WWDD (What would Deanna do?)’ when tackling a new task/issue.”
Looking back on her career with pride and gratitude, she continues to strive to make a difference. We thank you Deanna, for the positive impact you’ve made within the agency and in our community and wish you even more years with us, Happy Anniversary!