“No” to COVID-19 Discrimination against People with Disabilities – Joint Bulletin


The Governor sent a joint bulletin with the Department of Health Care Services, the Department of Public Health, and the Department of Managed Health Care.

In the joint bulletin, the State assures,

“The State of California understands that people with disabilities are concerned that medical providers might consider an individual’s disability status when determining which patients to treat if hospitals or other health care facilities experience a surge of patients needing life-saving care. This joint bulletin reminds health care providers and payers that rationing care based on a person’s disability status is impermissible and unlawful under both federal and state law.”

We thank Governor Newsom and State health leaders for their quick action in protecting Californians with disabilities. You can read the full joint statement at http://www.dmhc.ca.gov/Portals/0/Docs/DO/JointBullletinMedicalTreatmentForCOVID19Accessible.pdf.