Public Meeting to Review 2020 Performance Plan
Wed, September 4, 2019
6-8 pm
Solano Co Office of Education
5100 Business Center Dr
Fairfield, CA 94534
North Bay Regional Center wants to make sure that we are continuously improving. We strive to exceed our mission, desired outcomes, and that we are in compliance with all requirements.
The NBRC Performance Plan measures our ongoing performance on desired statewide outcomes, and compares North Bay Regional Center’s performance with the statewide average for all 21 regional centers in California. These desired outcomes reflect the state’s public policy direction for developmental services in the community.
We continue to fulfill all planned activities with the intent of improving outcomes as directed by our community members, Board of Directors, and NBRC staff.
How do we implement this plan?
We are continuing activities from this year and prior years, such as the continued development of licensed homes, day activities, family support and training, and more in 2019/20, such as:
Efforts to address purchase of service disparities among our Spanish speaking and Latino population
Support for children to live with families (their own family, foster family, or with a guardian)
Support for adults to live in home environments (in their own home with or without supported living services as needed, with their family)
Coordination of employment preparation and training, job development, and ongoing support for adults to find and maintain
You are invited to hear a presentation of our proposed plan and provide your input.
We will present the plan and listen to your comments during the Public Meeting of the NBRC Board of Directors on September 4, 2019.
or send your performance contract 2020 comment form by mail or email to:
January Crane, MPA
Department Manager
PO Box 3360 NAPA CA 94558