California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana Dooley announced on Friday (December 5) that the Brown Administration’s Developmental Services Task Force, created last July to take steps toward strengthening services and supports in the community for hundreds of thousands of children and adults with developmental disabilities, will focus initially on two major issues – provider rates and rate restructure, and regional center caseloads and operations – in smaller workgroups, composed of task force members, in meetings scheduled for December 16th , and in January, with follow-up meetings in February and March. The task force, headed by Secretary Dooley, is composed of advocates, providers, regional centers, family members and people who receive services.
Two other issues identified by the Developmental Services Task Force during the July and October meetings of critical importance to people with developmental disabilities – Medical and Mental Health Services and Supports, and the issue of Housing and Employment, will be the subject of workgroup meetings of the task force later next year as work progresses on the issues of rates/rates restructuring, and regional center caseload ratios and operations. Read more.