Sonoma Developmental Center update – message from our Executive Director

­­Today, December 17th, 2018, the last NBRC client transitioned from Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC) into the community.

Congratulations to everyone involved with this historic effort!

To put this accomplishment into perspective, SDC opened in 1891 and has been a fixture of the North Bay community ever since.  SDC served thousands of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities over more than a century, with several thousand people residing there during its peak.

The closure of SDC was announced in 2015, making this the fastest closure process in California history.  Since the announcement, NBRC transitioned 93 individuals into new homes – many of whom had lived at SDC for decades.  Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of our staff and community partners, the transitions were very successful.  While there were some bumps along the way, individuals and families are overwhelmingly satisfied with their new living environments.  Feedback from individuals, families, and service providers indicates that people are happy and thriving, as they adjust to life in the community.

During this process, NBRC renovated and vendored 28 homes (including the first Community Crisis Home in the state and the second Enhanced Behavioral Support Home), opened 4 new day programs, and opened the first integrated Federally Qualified Health Clinic specializing in serving people with developmental disabilities.  The resources developed are of the highest quality and will be available to the NBRC community in perpetuity.

I cannot overstate the gratitude and appreciation I feel towards everyone involved with this historic effort.  Your hard work, attention to detail, diligence, dedication and commitment are truly inspirational.  Thank you and congratulations!

We did it!

Gabriel Rogin

Executive Director

North Bay Regional Center

Mary Ida Cook Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair – Friday, December 7th

Please join us in celebrating the music, arts and crafts of our clientele at the

Mary Ida Cook Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair!

December 7th, 2018  10-1 pm

North Bay Regional Center

610 Airpark Rd, Napa

more information here:

Arts & Crafts Fair

Far Northern Regional Center Fire Relief Fund

Our hearts are hurting for our state and those who have been tragically impacted by the many wildfires burning in both Northern and Southern California.

We are especially saddened by the losses experienced by  Far Northern Regional Center… their catchment area covers Paradise, California where the devastating Camp Fire is still burning.  The good news is that they have not had any loss of life with persons served, but there have been many, many other sad and significant losses.

If you would like to help directly support the people served by FNRC in the recovery process, we are sharing their GoFundMe page:

You can also find updates from their regional center on their website:

Applications Now Open for 6 PAID Fellowships for Self-Advocates!

The Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC) is excepting applications for their 2019 PAID Fellowship for Self-Advocates.

The State Council on Developmental Disabilities would like to be an organization/department to work on creative projects with a self-advocate with an innovative idea.

What is a Fellowship?

A fellowship is a one-year project. You design a project that:

  • is about self-advocacy
  • helps solve problems that many people have.

Fellows work on their projects about 6 hours each week. SARTAC pays Fellows $5,000 to complete their projects. Find an organization near you to work with you on your project. Your project must end with a report or products others can use. Six Fellows will be chosen this year. This is the 3rd year we have had Fellowships.

Deadline to applyThursday, December 20, 2018, 5 pm (Pacific time)

How to apply: Fill out the online form at: at:

Want to learn more first to decide if you want to apply?


Monday, November 26, 2018  

2:00 pm Central Standard Time


Meeting Link:

Or Join by phone:

+1-855-282-6330 US Toll Free

+1-415-655-0003 US Toll


We look forward to learning about your project idea!

HCBS Compliance Training and Funding Opportunity!

The deadline to apply for HCBS compliance funding is December 14th

We are happy to assist!

The Home and Community-based Settings (HCBS) rules and regulations require changes to all levels of our system. We need to be creative, flexible and collaborative so individuals can have meaningful lives in the community.

The HCBS rules focus on the nature and quality of peoples’ experiences, not just settings where services take place.

Now is the time to focus on concrete steps for all residential and non-residential agencies to meet HCBS standards in the following areas:
• Community Life Engagement
• Informed Choice
• Employment First
• Clients’ Rights
• Person-centered Plans
• Increasing independence and autonomy

2 Trainings Offered:

WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018                    WHEN: Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018
WHERE: NBRC Santa Rosa                          WHERE: NBRC Napa
2351 Mendocino Ave                                     610 Airpark Road
TIME: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm                              TIME: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm








Sensory Storytime offered at Fairfield-Cordelia Library

Storytime opportunity for children on the autism spectrum, age 12 and younger. For more information, please see the flyer:

2018.09~ Sensory Storytime

DDS Releases Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) 2018-2019 Funding Guidelines

HCBS Compliance Activities Funding

In recognition that service providers will need to continue taking steps towards modifying their services, the 2018 Budget Act (SB 840, Chapter 29, Budget Act 2018) contains $15 million to fund changes that are necessary for providers to come into compliance with the HCBS rules by March 2022.

The Department will hold two, one-hour webinars to review this process and answer questions. To register, click on either of the dates below:

Information regarding the funding process, by fiscal year is available below:

HCBS 2018-19 Funding Letter

HCBS Funding Guidelines FY1819

Attachment C HCBSFunding FY1819