Welcome to NBRC



The North Bay Regional Center Board of Directors Opportunity Fund consists of donations from outside entities, staff donations and other donations from the community to assist people with developmental disabilities.

Doug Cleveland, a past Director of Client Services at NBRC developed the Board Opportunity Fund when he and his wife held a fund raising event for its initial donation.  Some examples of services paid through the opportunity fund include client funeral expenses, rent, social and recreational activities, food, clothing, etc.

In addition to helping clients with basic needs the Board Opportunity Fund also allows NBRC’s clients to enjoy and participate in activities NBRC cannot fund such as swimming, summer camps, horseback riding, and other adventures.  The fund also provides funding for medical support not covered by Medi-Cal or NBRC such as specialized health monitors, dental care, and wheelchairs adapted for specific needs.

For NBRC clients striving to live independently for the first time, the Board Opportunity Fund provides resources for them to obtain their own residence.

The NBRC Board Opportunity Fund is a worthwhile benefit that assists clients and families served by NBRC to experience a full range of support, activities and progress in their lives.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

Donations can be made to:

North Bay Regional Center Board Opportunity Fund 

610 Airpark Rd.

Napa, CA 94558

NBRC Presents Performance Contract Plan for 2019 – Sept 5th

Public Meeting to Review 2019 Performance Plan


Wed, September 5, 2018

 5-7 pm

Board Room

North Bay Regional Center 610 Airpark Way

Napa, CA 94558


North Bay Regional Center wants to make sure that we are continuously improving. We strive to exceed our mission, desired outcomes, and that we are in compliance with all requirements.


The NBRC Performance Plan measures our ongoing performance on desired statewide outcomes, and compares North Bay Regional Center’s performance with the statewide average for all 21 regional centers in California. These desired outcomes reflect the state’s public policy direction for developmental services in the community.


We continue to fulfill all planned activities with the intent of improving outcomes as directed by our community members, Board of Directors, and NBRC staff.


How do we implement this plan?

We are continuing activities from this year and prior years, such as the continued development of licensed homes, day activities, family support and training and more in 2018/19, such as:


  • Support for clients to move from State Developmental Centers to homes in the community
  • Support for children to live with families (their own family, foster family, or with a guardian)
  • Support for adults to live in home environments (in their own home with or without supported living services as needed, with their family)
  • Coordination of employment preparation and training, job development, and ongoing support for adults to find and maintain


You are invited to hear a presentation of our proposed plan and provide your input. We will present the plan and listen to your comments during the Public Meeting of the NBRC Board of Directors on September 5, 2018.


or send your written input by mail or email to:

January Crane, MPA

Department Manager

PO Box 3360 NAPA CA 94558

Email: jcrane@nbrc.net

Interested in Becoming a Vendor of NBRC? Check this out…

Pre Vendor Workshop – September 18th

For any applicants that are interested in becoming a vendor or are in the process please attend our Pre Vendor Workshop held on September 18th at the Napa office.

Pre Vendor Workshop Informational Flyer

Pre Vendor Workshop Registration Form


For history regarding the application and approval of the Self-Determination Program, click the link below:



Solano County hosts resource fair and website launch for people with disabilities


A Disabilities Resource Fair is planned for next Thursday, March 15 in Solano County, in observance of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, county officials announced.

Solano County Health and Social Services, in partnership with the DisABILITY Planning Group, will host the event from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday at the County Events Center, 601 Texas Street in Fairfield. This event is free and open to the public, they said.

At the resource fair, the County will unveil the SolanoCares.org – Disabilities website, an online hub of resources, services, health topics and events designed specifically for Solano residents with disabilities.

“Like its sister site SolanoCares4Seniors.org, this one-stop resource website provides people with disabilities, their family members, caregivers, and health care professionals a means to easily look up disability-related information,” officials said.

The site’s key features include a comprehensive service directory of local, state and national resources, community calendar, learning center, nationwide news stories and health library, they said.

“The website aims to empower people with disabilities by providing them a streamlined platform to find resources in an easy-to-read format,” officials said. “SolanoCares.org is ADA-compliant and available in multiple languages.”

Following the launch, guests are welcome to explore the website through multiple demo stations, event organizers said. Attendees can also learn about more than 20 organizations that cater to those with disabilities, including support and advocacy groups, transportation services, nonprofit agencies and government programs, they said.

“Finding resources can be challenging, and even more so if you have a disability,” Solano County Health Officer Bela Matyas said. “Our goal is to make it simpler for those with disabilities to find services that best meet their needs. The resource fair gives them the opportunity to learn about services available to them in the community and the website stores information about all these services in one convenient place which can be accesses anytime and anywhere.”

Light refreshments will be served.

To RSVP, register by Wednesday, March 14, at, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/solanocaresorg-disabilities-website-launch-resource-fair-tickets-43450881757

For more information about the Disabilities Resource Fair and website launch event, contact Shai Davis, Senior Health Education Specialist at (707) 784-8679 and KBDavis@SolanoCounty.com.


Legislative Analyst’s Office Report: Evaluating California’s System for Serving Infants and Toddlers With Special Needs

Executive Summary

California Serves More Than 40,000 Infants and Toddlers With Special Needs. In 2015‑16, California provided early intervention services to about 41,000 infants and toddlers with special needs. These infants and toddlers either have a disability (such as a visual or hearing impairment) or a significant developmental delay (such as not beginning to speak or walk when expected). The state’s early intervention system provides these infants and toddlers with services such as speech therapy and home visits focused on helping parents promote their child’s development. Parts of California’s early intervention system date back more than 35 years. During this time, the state has not regularly, or even periodically, evaluated this system. In this report, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the system.

For the full report, please visit the LAO’s website.