Trailor Bill Language & Legislation

Legislation and laws are constantly changing, updating and being passed by our legislators.      To keep updated on the proposed or newest legislation that has become law or that is being proposed, please click on the links below. These links will take you directly top the Association of Regional Center Agencies  (ARCA) Current Legislative Session information and the Department of Developmental Services website Emergency and Proposed Regulations.

Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA)

DDS Emergency and Proposed Regulations


AB1522 Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families rate Adjustment.

Providers who feel they may be eligible for a rate adjustment due to AB1522, please click on the above link and submit the worksheet as directed either to DDS or to Courtney Singleton at NBRC.

For Supported Living Agency providers on a rate tier system, please fill out the below worksheet for each tier and submit to NBRC.

AB 1522 SLS Tiers

Submit all worksheets to Courtney Singleton