Hiring Individuals with Disabilities Is Good Business

Employment Makes Good Sense!

Starting as a part-time dishwasher, Emma (featured on front page) quickly advanced to a full time employee, making over 100 pies a day for Petaluma Pie Company.

Husband and wife owners Lina and Angelo discovered it made sense to hire more individuals, and expanded opportunities to include work for three more NBRC young adults. Contact NBRC to learn more about hiring individuals with disabilities to enhance and diversify your workforce, or click here to read more about innovations in Sonoma County.

Lanterman Act & Regional Centers’ 50th Anniversary

Requests for Proposals: NBRC to Launch 26 New Projects

With Governor Brown’s recent legislation to close SDC by 2018 and continued resource development to meet the diverse needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, NBRC has 26 new RFP projects that we are requesting proposals for. Looking for an opportunity to expand, become more innovative, or delve into a whole new service field? Take a look at the opportunities that await here: PDF.Final RFP3

Special Olympics Medalist Shares Experience; Throws First Pitch at Giants Game

With unwarranted modesty, Napa’s Jose Ayala shared his Special Olympics experience to an awestruck audience at NBRC’s Board Meeting September 2. An athlete through and through who won a silver medal in javelin and a bronze medal in the 4-by-100-meter relay,Jose shrugged off any suggestion that his competitors posed challenges.  But Jose was dwarfed by the pride in his mothers voice as she described the great abilities and interest her son has always had in sports, as evidenced by his collection of medals. It was an amazing night for NBRC’s Board, and everyone touched by Jose’s great achievements. NBRC is a proud supporter of Jose and all Special Olympics athletes. See him throw the first pitch by clicking here.

Recognizing Individual’s Achievements

NBRC’s Annual June Board Emma 2Meeting is  a special occasion. This year both young and old were recognized for their amazing achievements in gaining greater independence and contributing to their communities. NBRC thanks our Service Coordinators and great support staff for their commitment to improving the lives of individuals receiving services, and the many individuals who proudly accepted recognition for their great achievements.

Recognizing Individual’s Achievements

  NBRC’s Annual June Board Emma 2Meeting is  a special occasion. This year both young and old were recognized for their amazing achievements in gaining greater independence and contributing to their communities. NBRC thanks our Service Coordinators and great support staff for their commitment to improving the lives of individuals receiving services, and the many individuals who proudly accepted recognition for their great achievements.

Rallying for Developmental Services

ARCA Executive Director Eileen Richey

ARCA Executive Director Eileen Richey

Between March 4rth and March 12th over 400 people rallied at the state  capitol to support the Lanterman 10 Coalition and save the developmental services system. As one voice, state legislators heard the outcry for rate increases, lower caseloads, and the elimination of the Annual Family Program Fee. Read more here: Senate Subcommittee Overview