Two New Autism Studies point to Pesticides, Traumatic Experiences

Women who live too close to farms where certain pesticides are used or who experience traumatic events could be at higher risk of having children in the autism spectrum, according to a pair of separate studies by California researchers released Monday in two journals.
The two studies, one published in Environmental Health Perspectives by researchers at UC Davis and the other in Pediatrics from UCLA, both continue to examine how environmental conditions and experiences can play a role in raising the risk factor for autism. Read More.

In Transition: When A Developmental Center Closes

With recent focus on the future of Sonoma Developmental Center, here a viewpoint from the recent Lanterman Developmental Center closure-

David Stein’s fingernails have almost completely grown back now, so that an observer can barely tell he once, while he was living in a state institution, ripped each one off with his bare hands. The 36-year-old developmentally disabled man, who has aggressive and self-abusive behavioral issues, now has a steady job with a manufacturing company in Rancho Cucamonga and hosts his family at his new group home in San Bernardino for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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Important Developmental Milestones-La Importancia del Seguimiento

La Importancia del Seguimiento de las Etapas en el Desarrollo de su Hijo/a

¿Quiere saber sobre la importancia de reconocer las Etapas del Desarrollo- como un niño/a  juega, aprende, habla, actúa y se mueve? ¡Tenemos sólo la herramienta para usted! Desarrollo Infantil: Es Mejor Saber