AB 2423-Help Urge Governor to Sign into Law!

Dear Advocates,

This is an URGENT CALL TO ACTION for everyone in the disability community! Contact Governor Newsom TODAY and urge him to sign AB 2423 into law. This bill would require the state to review developmental disability service rates every two years.

AB 2423 passed the State Legislature on August 26. Now all it needs is Governor Newsom’s signature to become law in California!

Disability services funding does not automatically keep up with economic changes like cost of living and minimum wage increases. AB 2423 would require the state to keep track of the funding our system needs. The Department of Developmental Services would be required to post updated rates to their website for better transparency. These updated rates will provide valuable information to lawmakers as they make funding decisions about vital disability services and supports.

After decades of underfunding, we need to protect recent investments in the disability services system and make sure we never go back.

Please reach out to Governor Newsom and urge him to sign AB 2423 into law!

Board of Director’s Public Meeting on September 4th at Fairfield

The Next Board Meeting is on September 4, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Solano County Office of Education  or via Zoom.

5100 Business Center Drive

Fairfield, CA 94534


Please click the link below to join the Zoom Webinar:


Or Telephone: 1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 897 0968 7840
Password: 912329

Please contact (707) 256-1224 for information or accommodations. Spanish & American Sign Language translation services are provided.

Se Habla Español

American Sign Language Interpretation Available

September 4, 2024 Board Meeting Packet

Board of Director’s Public Meeting – July 10th

The Next Board Meeting is on July 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the NBRC’s Napa Office or via Zoom.

610 Airpark Road

Napa, CA 94558


Please click the link below to join the Zoom Webinar:


Or Telephone: 1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 897 0968 7840
Password: 912329

Please contact (707) 256-1224 for information or accommodations. Spanish & American Sign Language translation services are provided.

Se Habla Español

American Sign Language Interpretation Available

July 10 2024 Board Meeting Packet Final

Office Closure Wednesday June 19th

Our offices will be closed on Wednesday June 19th in observance of Juneteenth. We will reopen on Thursday June 20th. Our after-hours service remains available for non-medical emergencies at 1-800-884-1594.  Happy Juneteenth, in celebration of freedom and resilience!

Caring Futures-New Program for Caregivers


Are you a caregiver of an adult family member with a disability? Caring Futures is a new program focusing on family caregivers and provides long-term planning, support, skills, & community. Please visit caringfutures.org to learn more!

New DDS Provider Directory launching in Spring/Summer 2024!

In Spring/Summer 2024, DDS is launching an online Provider Directory. Its full capabilities will be released in phases.  In the first phase, service provider owners and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure accurate provider information is in the system.  Support, including on-demand training, will be available soon.

Questions? Email us at providerdirectory@dds.ca.gov or visit us online at https://www.dds.ca.gov/initiatives/provider-directory/.

Person Centered Thinking Training opportunities in April, May, June and July