SCDD: Program Development Grant Cycle 41 Proposals DUE March 6th!

The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)

has announced Requests for Proposals!

One or more Program Development Grants in each Regional Office area

will be awarded up to $20,000 per area

Interested parties, please go to for information and instructions on the PDG Cycle 41 Request for Proposals and for more information on the SCDD State Plan Goals.

Proposals must relate to one or more SCDD State Plan Goals:

  • Goal 1: Self-Advocacy
  • Goal 2: Employment
  • Goal 3: Housing
  • Goal 4: Health and Safety
  • Goal 5: Early Intervention, Education, Transition & Post-Secondary Education
  • Goal 6: Formal & Informal Community Supports



February 6, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The State Council on Developmental Disabilities will host and record a non-mandatory pre-bidders conference call to review the RFP and address questions.

Call in number:  1-800-839-9416  –  Pin number: 861-0332

Statement from NBRC on the Wine Country Fires


In the aftermath of one of the most destructive, damaging and expensive fires in our state’s history, North Bay Regional Center would be remiss in not acknowledging the tireless efforts of our fire fighters, first responders and other emergency and public safety personnel. Their efforts helped ensure the health and safety of some of the most vulnerable people we serve in Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.

In addition to those in public service, we also appreciate the efforts of North Bay service provider community, staff from Sonoma Developmental Center and other direct support professionals who worked tirelessly around the clock to help with evacuation and placement of those residing in both the community and at Sonoma Developmental Center. Thanks to these joint efforts, along with strong support from the California Health and Human Services Agency and Department of Developmental Services, as the fires raged on we were collectively moving people quickly and safely into facilities and locations where they received ongoing and continuous medical and rehabilitative support.

Regarding the direct impact to North Bay Regional Center, we are happy to report that out of the over 9,000 people we serve in our three counties, we have received notification of only loss of one life due to natural causes in the transition. Outside of the one person served, all others are safe and accounted for. Out of those we serve, 23 people lost their homes, a majority of them from the Santa Rosa area. Of our 225 NBRC staff, we had no major injuries or loss of life, but sad to report that two employees and three of our NBRC volunteer board members lost their homes. Among our service providers, we are happy to share there was no loss of life or vendor structures (care homes, day program sites, etc.)

At this time, the state and local jurisdictions are still in the process of tabulating property damage and losses. To date, reported statistics have 14,000 residential homes destroyed or partially destroyed, 728 commercial properties destroyed and estimated financial loss totaling over $9 bilion in the over 210,000 acres burned. For regular updates on the Wine Country fires and other information about NBRC, please subscribe to our updates and follow us on Facebook.

We remain committed to the lives of people with developmental disabilities and the recovery of our region. There will be much rebuilding and growth that will rise from the ashes of this recent tragedy, but in the meantime we have work to do. We have 23 people served and many others who were indirectly impacted by the fires who need permanent, stable housing again and replacement of their personal care items.

Please direct any financial donations and tax-deductible gifts towards “Friends of North Bay Regional Center” a private, 501(c)3 organization supporting direct assistance to people with developmental disabilities in Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.

Orientation to NBRC is coming in January!

Join us for an Orientation to North Bay Regional Center!

Thursday, January 4th 2018 10:00am-12 


Monday, January 22nd 2018 6:00-8:00pm

You will learn about:

  • Eligibility for NBRC Services
  • The role of your Service Coordinator
  • Regional Center Service Providers
  • What you can expect from NBRC

….and time for Questions & Answers!

NBRC office: 610 Airpark Way, Napa

Please rsvp to: Kimberly Soeiro at 707-256-1102 or

NBRC Orientation Flyer

Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair – December 8th

You are invited to join us in celebrating music, arts & crafts of our clientele at the

Mary Ida Cook Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair!!

       Friday, December 8, 2017

10am – 1pm

North Bay Regional Center

610 Airpark Rd, Napa

                                                            Contact: Joanne Giardello at 707-256-1234

Art Fair


Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services/Home and Community Based Services Vendor Training

The State of CA has earmarked $15 million to give to HCBS-funded service providers for projects to help them come into compliance with the HCBS/CMS (Home & Community-Based Services waiver/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid) regulations, which is a great opportunity!  North Bay Regional Center will be hosting an informational meeting for vendors of NBRC that are interested in pursuing funding for HCBS/CMS final rule compliance.

Date: Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

Time: 1:00

Location: 610 Airpark Way, Napa-

please rsvp: Julie Parrish at 707-256-1294 or

Department of Developmental Services Releases Information & Guidelines on 2nd Round of HCBS Transition Funding

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Compliance Activities Funding

In recognition that service providers will need to continue taking steps towards modifying their services, the 2017 Budget Act (AB 97, Chapter 14, Statutes of 2017) contains $15 million to fund changes that are necessary for providers to come into compliance with the HCBS rules by March 2022.

Service providers need to submit their completed application to the Regional Center by January 5, 2018.

DDS will hold two, one0hour webinars to review this process and answer questions. These optional webinars will be held on Tuesday, November 14 from 2:00- 3:00, and Friday, November 17 from 11:00-12. To register, follow the instructions found at

All information and documents here: CMS Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Regulations

Public Meeting Notice Reducing Purchase of Service Disparities – Oakland

The Department of Developmental Services will hold three public meetings to consult with stakeholders, including consumers and families, advocates, providers, and  protection/advocacy agencies, to review purchase of service data and develop recommendations to help reduce disparities. Discussion areas will include identifying cultural
barriers and challenges in obtaining regional center services and the areas that need  clarification for people to understand the service delivery system, as well as, plans and recommendations to promote equity and reduce disparities in the purchase of services.

Please join us on:
Monday, November 6, 2017
9:00AM – 12:00PM

On-site translation will be provided in the following languages:
Spanish, Vietnamese, and Cantonese

State Council on Developmental Disabilities
1515 Clay Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94612

DDS Informational Flyer
Aviso de reunión pública Cómo reducir las desigualdades en la adquisición del servicio