Disability Thrive Initiative

President Obama signs massive year-end tax cut and spending package

Congress gave final approval Friday to one of the most ambitious legislative packages in years — a $1.1-trillion funding bill, up to $680 billion in tax breaks and dozens of other substantial policy initiatives. Read more.

Calif. Republicans Want To Boost Developmental Disability Funding

Last week, some California Republican lawmakers joined advocates across the state in calling for additional funding for programs that support individuals with developmental disabilities, the Sacramento Bee reports (Walters, Sacramento Bee, 12/14).


The Legislature during its ongoing special session on health care is supposed to be considering additional funding for such programs, but so far no progress has been made (California Healthline, 12/11). Meanwhile, a bill (SBX2-4), co-authored by state Sen. Jim Nielsen (R-Gerber), would enforce a 10% rate increase for providers who treat such individuals. However, Democrats have stalled the legislation. Read more.

Assemblyman Dodd to Host Town Hall Dec. 21

Assembly member Bill Dodd (D-Napa) will host a holiday Town Hall meeting for constituents in Sonoma Valley at the Vintage House Senior Center on Monday, Dec. 21, from 4 to 6 p.m.
The assemblyman urges constituents to bring any questions they may have about state policy and issues impacting the community. Groundwater management, particularly the salinity conditions that are beginning to infiltrate area aquifers, and transportation issues including road maintenance and infrastructure, are seen as two key areas of local concern. Read more.

IRS Relaxes Rules For New ABLE Accounts

The Internal Revenue Service is easing up on rules for new accounts that will allow people with disabilities to save money without jeopardizing their government benefits.

Earlier this year, the IRS laid out plans for how accounts established under the Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE, Act would operate. But the agency received significant pushback from disability advocates and state officials alike who said the proposed federal requirements would be overly burdensome.

Now, the IRS is backing off. In a notice, the agency said it plans to issue final regulations with less stringent reporting requirements. Read more.

The Future of Foster Care of CA

Group homes, which lack the kind of nurturing parental relationships thought to be developmentally necessary for healthy children, have historically been a last resort for foster kids. But a family placement does not guarantee a happy child; as Natasha Vargas-Cooper reported for Pacific Standard in the 2013 September/October issue, foster children typically bounce between at least three family placements, and often as many as 10 or 12 different homes. Read more.

5.82% Rate Increase for Care Providers

DDS has informed regional centers that the 5.82% increase for in home respite, personal assistance and supported living will be provided effective 12/1/15 in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). DDS will be sending new rates to respite agencies in December and NBRC will apply the 5.82% increase to personal assistance and supported living. Click here to read more information from DDS on this important increase.

Upcoming Rally, Hearings – Your Voice, Your Services, Your Chance to Help!

Last week, the Legislature’s in-house analysts released a report saying California’s finances are looking better than ever.. In a year and a half, we’ll have over $11 billion in reserves. To see our system tap into that, we need to get the Governor’s support – and ensure we aren’t included in threatened cuts of over a billion dollars.

We must continue to #SpeakForJustice! Can you join us?
On Tuesday, December 1st, there are TWO hearings, one in Los Angeles, and one in Sacramento. The LA hearing will cover general special session topics – a session that includes us, and is supposed to address the crisis in the developmental services system. The Sacramento hearing is about children with special needs – and this includes many families in our system. Come to both and advocate for 10% + Reform!

On Thursday, December 10th, advocates will hold a three-part rally in Sacramento. Starting at the Tower Bridge, we will march to the North Steps of the Capitol. There, we’ll raise our voices and speak for justice. Afterwards, it’s off to the Governor’s mansion to show that our community isn’t going away. Bring noisemakers!

And on Thursday, December 17th, there will be a second informational hearing, in Oakland. A follow-up to the LA hearing, this one will focus on a tobacco tax. But the special session was supposed to be a way to fix our system, which is being pushed by the funding crisis over the brink. We need you to remind these legislators that 10% + Reform is the solution our system needs!