Below please find the latest directive from the Department of Developmental Services which summarizes the 9/28/21 California Department of Public Health Order. Please pay particular attention to letter (e) below which mandates that all regional center and service provider employees must become vaccinated by November 30, 2021.
The new Public Health Order (PHO) requires full vaccination of the following individuals by November 30, 2021:
- All workers that work in Adult and Senior Care Facilities licensed by the California Department of Social Services (Community Care Licensing)
- All in-home direct services workers, including registered home care aides and certified home health aides
- All wavier personal care services providers and In Home Support Services (IHSS) providers
- All hospice workers who are providing services in home or in a licensed setting
- All regional center employees as well as service provider workers, who provide services to a consumer through the regional center to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities, except for those workers who only provide services to a consumer with whom they live or who are a family member of the consumer for whom they are providing services.
The PHO states that all workers who are eligible for the live-in and family member exceptions outlined in sections b, c and e above must only provide services to a single household.
Exemptions and Record Keeping
The PHO allows for specified exemptions for religious beliefs or qualified medical reasons. If a worker is exempted they must be tested weekly for COVID-19 and wear a surgical mask. If a worker is exempted the employer must retain a record of the exemption and the workers weekly COVID-19 test results.
Employers must retain a record of vaccination for each employee. Per the PHO record keeping includes: (1) full name and date of birth; (2) vaccine manufacturer; and (3) date of vaccine administration (for first dose and, if applicable, second dose)
Full Vaccination Defined
One does of a one dose vaccine such as Johnson and Johnson or both doses of a two does vaccine such as Pfizer or Moderna