Lauren Brady, a Whittier resident, has lived all her life with Rett syndrome, a rare neurological illness that can cause seizures and limits muscle movement. She can’t speak, needs a feeding tube and uses a wheelchair to get around.
“It affects her from head to toe, but we don’t let all of that get in our way,” her mother, Sherri Brady said this week. “Lauren has lots of friends; she goes horseback riding. Next weekend she’s going on a ski trip.”
That Lauren, 19, can even contemplate those activities is testimony to a $2.9 billion a year program run by California Children’s Services, her mother said. The program provides specialized care to some 180,000 children and young adults who suffer from a range of complicated, debilitating illnesses including Rett syndrome, sickle cell anemia, cancer, cerebral palsy, hemophilia and more. Read more.