Interested in Becoming a Vendor of NBRC? Check this out…

Pre Vendor Workshop – September 18th

For any applicants that are interested in becoming a vendor or are in the process please attend our Pre Vendor Workshop held on September 18th at the Napa office.

Pre Vendor Workshop Informational Flyer

Pre Vendor Workshop Registration Form


NBRC Development Survey – we need your input!

Hello Community,

For the first time in many years the State is allowing regional centers to use startup funds for new programs/services that do not have to do with moving individuals from locked settings.  For this process NBRC must develop a plan that states what our local priorities are for resource development.

For this process we want your input on what services are needed in your community.


About Survey

NBRC is developing a Community Resource Development Plan for approval by the Department of Developmental Services.  This plan will provide start up funding for new programs needed in Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties.  NBRC needs your input into what services are needed and what priorities our plan should have.  Please take a few minutes to answer our survey questions.  NBRC’s plan will be posted on our website for more input, 2 weeks prior to submission to the Department of Developmental Services

HCBS Compliance Projects update

NBRC has a new addition to our website that will assist with keeping providers and the community updated on CMS Settings Rules, DDS notifications, and NBRC instructions.

Please visit:


Updates on County Fire

Based on the latest updates from the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES) and CAL-Fire, the County Fire has crossed from Yolo County into Napa County with air quality impacting Solano County and other surrounding regions.

North Bay Regional Center is actively monitoring the situation to ensure the health and safety of all persons served in our catchment area. We are reaching out to all individuals and providers within the region currently impacted and in the path of the fires.

In the event of an life-threatening emergency or if you are in immediate danger, please call 911. For all non-emergency issues and services, please contact our Napa office at (707) 256-1100 or our Santa Rosa office at (707) 569-2000.

The regional air quality management districts are encouraging people with respiratory issues to avoid long-term exposure to smoke or staying outside. In general, people should avoid outdoor physical activity, close windows and doors that might let in smoke, turn off all wood-burning appliances and turn on their air conditioners, according to the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District.

For the most recent information and live updates, please follow CAL-Fire on Twitter or visit their website at


June 27, 2018 – Governor Edmund G.”Jerry” Brown Jr. today signed this afternoon the 2018-2019 State Budget and budget trailer bills – the 16th and last state budget before he leaves office in January.
“When I took office back in 2011 with the state facing a $27 billion deficit, I pledged to work with the Legislature to fix California’s financial mess,” said Governor Brown. “Today, the final budget I sign delivers on that pledge and prepares us for the future.”
The Governor was joined today by Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (Democrat – San Diego), Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (Democrat – Lakewood) and  legislative budget chairs Senator Holly Mitchell (Democrat – Los Angeles) and Assemblymember Phil Ting (Democrat – San Francisco).
“This budget is the product of all of us working together to craft a fiscally responsible plan that serves the people of California while at the same time saves for the future,” said Senate President Pro Tem Atkins. “I especially want to thank Governor Brown’s leadership – in this, his last budget – for helping to bring back California from a historic recession and onto a solid economic footing.”
“Devastating budget cuts first compelled me to run for the Assembly. I thought we needed to do better, and this budget does better,” said Assembly Speaker Rendon. “There is more to do, but by investing in our people and saving for the future, this budget gives us the tools we need to keep doing better.”
“Governor Brown has done an admirable job in leading our state out of budget deficits to financial stability. This is a spending plan we can be proud of because it makes the right investments and reflects many of California’s values,” said Assemblymember and Assembly Budget Committee Chair Ting. “I’m especially glad we were able to partner with cities and counties to help them address the homeless crisis with unprecedented funding for more shelters and services.”
“This budget strikes an appropriate balance that strengthens our state’s fiscal stability with an unprecedented level of reserves, while prioritizing investments that will address the pressing needs of this state,” said Senator and Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee Chair Mitchell. “We continue to work toward restoring programs that still have yet to be made whole from devastating cuts during the great recession and prioritize funding to confront the challenges associated with homelessness and disaster response.”

For full text of the Budget Act and associated legislation, visit: Additional details on the 2018-19 State Budget can be found at


Statewide Survey on Housing for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities


The Lanterman Housing Alliance, in partnership with the Corporation for Supportive Housing and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, has created a survey to gather data on the housing needs of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) living in California. You are being asked to take this survey because of your unique insights related to this issue.

Your answers will help LHA craft a statewide strategic framework that will be used by policymakers, service providers, and housing developers to better create affordable housing opportunities for this population.

At the start of the survey you will be asked to identify which category of stakeholder you fall into. If you don’t fall exactly into any listed category, but you are still knowledgeable on the subject, please identify yourself as an “advocate.”

This short survey should take no longer than 20 minutes to finish. Please forward this email to any relevant stakeholders in California.

Lastly, if you are a service provider, service coordinator, or family member/friend of a person with I/DD, we encourage you to assist them as needed in completing the survey. The direct opinions and ideas of people with I/DD on this subject matter is essential to informing the process of creating a statewide strategic framework to increase housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of this important segment of our community.

Thank you. If you have any questions or need help, please email us at Your question will be answered as soon as possible.


The Lanterman Housing Alliance

Begin Survey

Provider Rate Study Survey Due by Aug 3rd: NBRC Assistance – Save the dates!

Provider Rate Study Assistance

As required by Welfare & Institutions Code §4619.8, the Department of Developmental Services is required to submit a rate study addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community based services. The provider survey is one aspect of the overall rate study. In order to support our vendors, NBRC will be providing assistance with questions and computer accessibility on the following dates:

June 22nd      10:00 – 12:00       Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on Residential Services

June 27th         2:00 – 4:00            Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on Day Programs/Employment

July 6th                10:00 – 12:00         Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on ILS, SLS and Behavior/Health

Vendors in the following categories will be contacted either by email and/or phone call regarding the importance of completing the rate study survey.

  • Residential Services
  • Day Programs/Employment
  • Independent and Supported Living Services
  • Behavior and Health Services
  • Home and Community Supports
  • Transportation

Any questions, please email

Link to Rate Study:

Tutorial on how to complete:

Information from DDS: FAQ -Rate Study (DDS website)

more information: