Sensory Storytime offered at Fairfield-Cordelia Library

Storytime opportunity for children on the autism spectrum, age 12 and younger. For more information, please see the flyer:

2018.09~ Sensory Storytime

Client Advisory Committee kick-off meeting – Nov 7th!

NBRC’s Board of Directors has formed a CLIENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, which is having its kick-off meeting on November 7th from 1-3pm!

Please see the below flyer for details and pass along the information!

CAC flyer 2018

CAC flyer 2018 Spanish


Board of Directors Executive Committee Meeting Thursday, September 20, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Board of Directors Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 20, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
Teleconference # 707 256-1166
Access Code # 222222

see agenda here:

 9-20-18 Board of Director Executive Committee







NBRC Development Survey – we need your input!

Hello Community,

For the first time in many years the State is allowing regional centers to use startup funds for new programs/services that do not have to do with moving individuals from locked settings.  For this process NBRC must develop a plan that states what our local priorities are for resource development.

For this process we want your input on what services are needed in your community.


About Survey

NBRC is developing a Community Resource Development Plan for approval by the Department of Developmental Services.  This plan will provide start up funding for new programs needed in Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties.  NBRC needs your input into what services are needed and what priorities our plan should have.  Please take a few minutes to answer our survey questions.  NBRC’s plan will be posted on our website for more input, 2 weeks prior to submission to the Department of Developmental Services

HCBS Compliance Projects update

NBRC has a new addition to our website that will assist with keeping providers and the community updated on CMS Settings Rules, DDS notifications, and NBRC instructions.

Please visit:


Updates on County Fire

Based on the latest updates from the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES) and CAL-Fire, the County Fire has crossed from Yolo County into Napa County with air quality impacting Solano County and other surrounding regions.

North Bay Regional Center is actively monitoring the situation to ensure the health and safety of all persons served in our catchment area. We are reaching out to all individuals and providers within the region currently impacted and in the path of the fires.

In the event of an life-threatening emergency or if you are in immediate danger, please call 911. For all non-emergency issues and services, please contact our Napa office at (707) 256-1100 or our Santa Rosa office at (707) 569-2000.

The regional air quality management districts are encouraging people with respiratory issues to avoid long-term exposure to smoke or staying outside. In general, people should avoid outdoor physical activity, close windows and doors that might let in smoke, turn off all wood-burning appliances and turn on their air conditioners, according to the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District.

For the most recent information and live updates, please follow CAL-Fire on Twitter or visit their website at

Provider Rate Study Survey Due by Aug 3rd: NBRC Assistance – Save the dates!

Provider Rate Study Assistance

As required by Welfare & Institutions Code §4619.8, the Department of Developmental Services is required to submit a rate study addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community based services. The provider survey is one aspect of the overall rate study. In order to support our vendors, NBRC will be providing assistance with questions and computer accessibility on the following dates:

June 22nd      10:00 – 12:00       Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on Residential Services

June 27th         2:00 – 4:00            Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on Day Programs/Employment

July 6th                10:00 – 12:00         Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on ILS, SLS and Behavior/Health

Vendors in the following categories will be contacted either by email and/or phone call regarding the importance of completing the rate study survey.

  • Residential Services
  • Day Programs/Employment
  • Independent and Supported Living Services
  • Behavior and Health Services
  • Home and Community Supports
  • Transportation

Any questions, please email

Link to Rate Study:

Tutorial on how to complete:

Information from DDS: FAQ -Rate Study (DDS website)

more information: