Disability Thrive Initiative

Master Plan Public Input Meeting – November 18th at 6:30pm

California’s Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) has initiated a process to develop a Master Plan for Developmental Services.  The Master Plan will “seek to create and strengthen bridges that connect the developmental services system to other critical systems” and increase our system’s “ability to provide culturally responsive services and strengthen the accountability and standardization of the system so that it is easier for individuals and their families to navigate no matter where they live in California.”  For more information about the Master Plan process, please visit https://www.chhs.ca.gov/home/master-plan-for-developmental-services/.


NBRC’s Board of Directors wants to make sure that people in our community have the opportunity to provide input to the Master Plan.  Therefore, we have invited Victor Duron, the facilitator of the Master Plan process, to meet with our Board on November 18th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Zoom.  Mr. Duron will provide an overview of the Master Plan process and gather input from our board members and community.  We encourage people we serve and their families to attend. 

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84374801550?pwd=VXFJU1ovbVFoelNWVEcxK3J0T2c0QT09

Meeting ID: 843 7480 1550 

Password: 470780

Master Plan Public Input Meeting 11.18.24

November 18, 2024 Executive Committee Packet

Opportunity for Community Training Topic Suggestions

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) invites members of the community to provide suggested training topics for mediators and hearing officers from the Office of Administrative Hearings who are involved in the Lanterman Act Eligibility and Service Appeal process. Training topic suggestions can be submitted using the online form linked HERE. We appreciate your input!

Office Closure Monday October 14th

Our offices will be closed on Monday, October 14th in observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. We will reopen Tuesday, October 15th. Our after-hours service remains available for non-medical emergencies at 1-800-884-1594. Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day! Let’s take this time to learn about and respect the diverse cultures and histories of Indigenous communities.



Free Independent Facilitator Training for Self-Determination Program

NBRC has partnered with the Independent Facilitator Training Academy and is offering free training for Independent Facilitators.  The training is available in Spanish as well.


Feel free to reach out to Rosie Lasca at the Independent Facilitator Training Academy with any questions!


Registration closes 10.31.24 and spaces are limited!


Public Board Meeting in Santa Rosa – October 2nd!

The Next Board Meeting is on October 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm at NBRC’s Santa Rosa Office or via Zoom.

520 Mendocino Avenue

Santa Rosa, CA 95401


Please click the link below to join the Zoom Webinar:


Or Telephone: 1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 897 0968 7840
Password: 912329

Please contact (707) 256-1224 for information or accommodations. Spanish & American Sign Language translation services are provided.

Se Habla Español

American Sign Language Interpretation Available

October 2, 2024 Board Meeting Packet

Request for Proposals (RFP)-Deadline October 15th by 4pm

North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) is pleased to announce the release of a new Request for Proposals (RFP). We are seeking to collaborate with a DEIB consultant to work together with us! This collaboration aims to enhance our organization’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. We envision a partnership where the consultant brings their expertise to help us develop and implement strategies that foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for all employees. We invite qualified consultants to submit proposals for this project.

Project Overview:
Our goals include conducting comprehensive assessments of our current practices, providing training and workshops, and creating actionable plans to address any gaps. We are dedicated to ensuring that every team member feels valued and respected, and we believe that this collaboration will be instrumental in achieving that.

We look forward to the innovative solutions and fresh perspectives that the DEIB consultant will bring to the table. We aspire to cultivate a workplace culture that not only celebrates diversity but also motivates and expands our perspectives, enhancing the support we provide to the clients and families we serve.

Please review our request for proposal document. Should you have any questions please send an email to DEIB@nbrc.net.

RFP Document:
View and download the full RFP document using the following public link: RFP

Submission Deadline:
October 15, 2024 by 4pm

Contact Information:
For any inquiries or further information, please contact us at DEIB@nbrc.net

Anuncio de solicitud de propuestas (RFP)

North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de una nueva solicitud de propuestas (RFP). ¡Estamos buscando colaborar con un consultor de DEIB para que trabaje junto con nosotros! Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar el compromiso de nuestra organización con la diversidad, la equidad, la inclusión y la pertenencia. Visualizamos una asociación en la que el consultor aporte su experiencia para ayudarnos a desarrollar e implementar estrategias que fomenten un entorno más inclusivo y de apoyo para todos los empleados. Invitamos a los consultores calificados a presentar propuestas para este proyecto.

Descripción general del proyecto:

Nuestros objetivos incluyen realizar evaluaciones integrales de nuestras prácticas actuales, brindar capacitación y talleres, y crear planes viables para abordar cualquier deficiencia. Nos dedicamos a garantizar que cada miembro del equipo se sienta valorado y respetado, y creemos que esta colaboración será fundamental para lograrlo.

Esperamos con interés las soluciones innovadoras y las nuevas perspectivas que el consultor de DEIB aportará. Aspiramos a cultivar una cultura en el lugar de trabajo que no solo celebre la diversidad, sino que también motive y amplíe nuestras perspectivas, mejorando el apoyo que brindamos a los clientes y las familias a las que servimos. Revise nuestro documento de solicitud de propuesta. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a DEIB@nbrc.net.

Documento RFP: Puede ver y descargar el documento RFP completo utilizando el siguiente enlace público: RFP

Fecha límite de presentación:

15 de octubre de 2024 a las 4:00 p. m.

Información de contacto:

Para cualquier consulta o información adicional, contáctenos en DEIB@nbrc.net

It’s Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week: September 8th-14th


We’re honoring Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) this week! DSPs form personal connections with the individuals we serve and provide a positive impact on the lives of those they support. Cheers to the profound work they so committedly choose!