Join us for the Client Advisory Committee Meeting!

The next Client Advisory Committee Meeting is scheduled for February 25th at 1:30pm.
& via Zoom:
or Call-in: 669-900-6833  Meeting ID: 817 4829 4894 Password: 062299

February 25,2025 CAC Flyer

NBRC Winter Resource Fair

We are excited to announce our first resource fair of 2025 for individuals and families served by NBRC!

We are eagerly anticipating our First Annual Winter Resource Fair, which will highlight social recreation activities available in our community. Alongside the resource fair, Aveanna Healthcare will offer presentations on a new financial management service designed to help fund social recreation activities. We hope this initiative will help eliminate barriers, enabling our community to access these valuable opportunities. Though this event will be hosted in Solano County, our NBRC community from all counties are welcome. Resources from all 3 counties will be invited to participate.

Join us at the Joseph A Nelson Community Center in Suisun City on Friday, February 28, 2025, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Stop by for a day filled with information and connection!

If you are an organization/business wishing to host a free informational table, please register HERE


New DDS Provider Directory launched on October 29, 2024!

On October 29, 2024, DDS’s Provider Directory launched. Its full capabilities will be released in phases. In the first phase, service providers and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure accurate provider information is in the system. DDS will offer incentive payments to service providers through the Quality Incentive Program(QIP). Support, including on-demand training, is available now at

Questions? Email

Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule

March 17, 2023 was the day the Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule took effect. HCBS are types of person-centered care delivered in the home and community. HCBS are often designed to enable people to stay in their homes, rather than moving to a facility for care. To celebrate the Final Rule and rights defined for individuals who receive services, we are excited to share this 10-part animation series to support understanding of the HCBS Final Rule (link below). A big thank you to Tri-Counties Regional Center who envisioned this project, with the support of all 21 regional centers. Please visit the following link to access the series:

Self-Determination Program

The Self-Determination Program in California is exciting because it provides individuals and families receiving Regional Center services the opportunity to spend their budget in alternate ways, including services not available through the traditional service delivery system, with providers who may not be “vendored,” or have a contract with the Regional Center, and in the amounts they choose.

If you are interested in learning more about Self-Determination, or have any questions or concerns, we invite you to be part of our community! You can:

1) Request your Service Coordinator refer you for free Self-Determination coaching services available through Education Spectrum, courtesy of funding through NBRC’s Local Advisory Committee (SDAC). You can also self-refer here.
2) Contact NBRC’s bilingual Self-Determination team at
3) Attend an online orientation, which is required before transitioning to the program. These orientations are available at in multiple languages.
5) Attend the bi-monthly Self-Determination Advisory Committee.
6) Visit to join a Statewide Self-Determination Program Forum hosted by the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD).
7) Visit to find providers.






Social Recreational Services are Back!

We are excited to announce that Social Recreational services for regional center participants have been restored!

Servicios Sociales Recreationales estan de regreso!

Nagbalik na ang mga Serbisyong Panlipunan at Panlibangan (Social Recreational Services)!

Please respond to DDS Surveyors-Deadline Extended from June 30th to July 31st


The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has surveyors calling clients and/or their family members and are inquiring about their satisfaction of regional center services. This is a safe survey that will help us increase the quality of our services provided and will let us know where we can improve. We thank you in advance for your participation!