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Have a question?

Email NBRC here: or call us at 1-707-266-5367

Informational Flyers: English | Spanish | Tagalog

Dear NBRC Community,
North Bay Regional Center (NBRC) remains available to support you during this extremely challenging time.  Here is the current status of our offices:
  • Due to the current shelter in place order in Sonoma, Solano and Napa Counties, our offices are no longer open to the public.  However, our staff are working remotely and can be contacted by phone or email.
Our priority is to ensure the health and safety of those we serve and make sure that essential services continue.  If you have questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (707) 256-1100 in Napa and Solano Counties or (707) 569-2000 in Sonoma County. If you have an urgent need outside of office hours, please call (800) 884-1594.
Thank you and take care,
Gabriel Rogin, Executive Director

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  for our Clients and Families:

Virus Safety for People with Developmental Disabilities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for our Service Provider Community:


Letter from Courtney Singleton, Director of Community Services

Link to DDS Directives:

Links to Additional COVID-19 Information:

Below are useful websites that are constantly updated with current information on COVID-19, (some are specific to certain geographic areas)

The World Health Organization (WHO)

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Community Care Licensing Provider Information Notice (PIN) for Adult and Senior Programs issued by Community Care Licensing.

Guidance for taking care of people at home who don’t need to be hospitalized:

The California Department of Public Health

County Offices of Public Health









DDS Rate Study- Public Comment Period extended to April 5th

NBRC is requesting Public Comment on the rates paid to providers of services for individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) contracted with Burns & Associates, Inc. to complete a rate study of the regional center rate system.  An overview of the rate study including project principles and tasks, as well as information on Burns & Associates, Inc., is available here

The rate study report was presented by Burns & Associates earlier this week (2/28/19) statewide. Documents found here  outline the proposed rates, along with the assumptions that informed the development of those proposed rates.

The public has until April 5th to provide feedback and comments on the rate study.  There are two ways to have your voice heard.

  1. NBRC is gathering input from the providers in the North Bay.  Please email comments to:

  2. Otherwise, you are welcome to respond directly to Burns & Associates at



The North Bay Regional Center Board of Directors Opportunity Fund consists of donations from outside entities, staff donations and other donations from the community to assist people with developmental disabilities.

Doug Cleveland, a past Director of Client Services at NBRC developed the Board Opportunity Fund when he and his wife held a fund raising event for its initial donation.  Some examples of services paid through the opportunity fund include client funeral expenses, rent, social and recreational activities, food, clothing, etc.

In addition to helping clients with basic needs the Board Opportunity Fund also allows NBRC’s clients to enjoy and participate in activities NBRC cannot fund such as swimming, summer camps, horseback riding, and other adventures.  The fund also provides funding for medical support not covered by Medi-Cal or NBRC such as specialized health monitors, dental care, and wheelchairs adapted for specific needs.

For NBRC clients striving to live independently for the first time, the Board Opportunity Fund provides resources for them to obtain their own residence.

The NBRC Board Opportunity Fund is a worthwhile benefit that assists clients and families served by NBRC to experience a full range of support, activities and progress in their lives.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

Donations can be made to:

North Bay Regional Center Board Opportunity Fund 

610 Airpark Rd.

Napa, CA 94558

Provider Rate Study Survey Due by Aug 3rd: NBRC Assistance – Save the dates!

Provider Rate Study Assistance

As required by Welfare & Institutions Code §4619.8, the Department of Developmental Services is required to submit a rate study addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community based services. The provider survey is one aspect of the overall rate study. In order to support our vendors, NBRC will be providing assistance with questions and computer accessibility on the following dates:

June 22nd      10:00 – 12:00       Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on Residential Services

June 27th         2:00 – 4:00            Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on Day Programs/Employment

July 6th                10:00 – 12:00         Napa Training Room

*Focus will be on ILS, SLS and Behavior/Health

Vendors in the following categories will be contacted either by email and/or phone call regarding the importance of completing the rate study survey.

  • Residential Services
  • Day Programs/Employment
  • Independent and Supported Living Services
  • Behavior and Health Services
  • Home and Community Supports
  • Transportation

Any questions, please email

Link to Rate Study:

Tutorial on how to complete:

Information from DDS: FAQ -Rate Study (DDS website)

more information:


Self Determination Waiver Approved

The Department is very pleased to announce that the application for federal funding, or Waiver, for the Self-Determination Program was approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  This news represents an essential step toward providing people who receive regional center services and their families an alternative way to coordinate their services, with more freedom and control over how the services are provided and the individuals who support them. We would like to express sincere appreciation for the assistance and guidance from the Department’s self-determination advisory workgroup and other stakeholders, which has been instrumental in gaining CMS’ approval of the Waiver. We also thank and recognize the work and technical assistance received from many representatives of CMS and California’s Department of Health Care Services.

In October 2013, Governor Edmund G. Brown signed Senate Bill 468, authored by Senators Bill Emmerson and Jim Beall and co-authored by Assembly Members Holly Mitchell and Wesley Chesbro, into law. This law, championed by remarkable and determined self-advocates, family members and advocacy organizations, established a statewide Self-Determination Program that adheres to the following principles to ensure those who participate have:

  • Freedom – to exercise the same rights as all citizens; to establish, with freely chosen supporters, family and friends, where they want to live, with whom they want to live, how their time will be occupied, and who supports them;
  • Authority –  to control a budget in order to purchase services and supports of their choosing;
  • Support – including the ability to arrange resources and personnel, which will allow flexibility to live in the community of their choice;
  • Responsibility – which includes the ability to take responsibility for making decisions in their own lives and accept a valued role in their community, and
  • Confirmation – in making decisions in their own lives by designing and operating the system that they rely on.

Self-determination in California began almost twenty years ago as a small pilot project in limited areas of the state, with the intention of eventually expanding the program statewide.  The time from the start of the pilot project, to Governor Brown’s signing of the law in October 2013, to now has only heightened the desire to implement self-determination broadly in California.

While approval of the Waiver represents the key step towards implementation of the Self-Determination Program, the Department and the self-determination advisory workgroup must continue to focus on finalizing program components for implementation.  Providing information and support, in particular training and orientation materials, needed to assist those who are selected and choose to participate is central to implementation and is in the final stages of completion.  We remain committed to implementing this important program and look forward to the continued collaboration, not only with the Department’s advisory workgroup, but also the local volunteer advisory committees and the Statewide Self-Determination Advisory Committee.  The Department will publish a timeline with key dates for implementation by June 18, 2018.  Updates will be posted on the Department’s dedicated website page for Self-Determination at:  If you would like to be notified of future updates about Self-Determination, please send an email to  Information for those who are interested on how they can be considered for participation in the Self-Determination Program can be found at

Please join me in celebrating the approval of the Self-Determination Program Waiver and thanking the Department’s self-determination advisory workgroup for their dedication and countless hours of work to make it happen.


Department of Developmental Services


For history regarding the application and approval of the Self-Determination Program click the link below:



On Friday, April 6, North Bay Regional Center was notified by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) of a possible data breach of personal health information as a result of forced entry and vandalism of one of their secure office locations on February 11, 2018. DDS has been working closely with state officials and law enforcement to investigate this incident.

While there is no evidence that any information has been compromised, accessed, stolen or removed from the site, it is out of an overabundance of caution that they are notifying individuals served and the public about the incident. A notification letter from DDS Director Nancy Bargmann outlining the details of the breach and steps being taken to support those who have concerns regarding their personal data can be found on the DDS website.

Please know that NBRC is in regular contact with the DDS on this matter and will notify our community immediately if there are any further developments to this issue. Information about the data breach and who you can contact for more information can be found in the DDS notification letter.

Frequently Asked Questions

DDS Data Breach Call Center
If you have more questions about this breach, please contact DDS’s call center Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time, at (877) 790-8160.

You may also e-mail DDS directly with questions at

Please do not include your social security number or medical information in an e-mail to DDS.

Solano County hosts resource fair and website launch for people with disabilities


A Disabilities Resource Fair is planned for next Thursday, March 15 in Solano County, in observance of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, county officials announced.

Solano County Health and Social Services, in partnership with the DisABILITY Planning Group, will host the event from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday at the County Events Center, 601 Texas Street in Fairfield. This event is free and open to the public, they said.

At the resource fair, the County will unveil the – Disabilities website, an online hub of resources, services, health topics and events designed specifically for Solano residents with disabilities.

“Like its sister site, this one-stop resource website provides people with disabilities, their family members, caregivers, and health care professionals a means to easily look up disability-related information,” officials said.

The site’s key features include a comprehensive service directory of local, state and national resources, community calendar, learning center, nationwide news stories and health library, they said.

“The website aims to empower people with disabilities by providing them a streamlined platform to find resources in an easy-to-read format,” officials said. “ is ADA-compliant and available in multiple languages.”

Following the launch, guests are welcome to explore the website through multiple demo stations, event organizers said. Attendees can also learn about more than 20 organizations that cater to those with disabilities, including support and advocacy groups, transportation services, nonprofit agencies and government programs, they said.

“Finding resources can be challenging, and even more so if you have a disability,” Solano County Health Officer Bela Matyas said. “Our goal is to make it simpler for those with disabilities to find services that best meet their needs. The resource fair gives them the opportunity to learn about services available to them in the community and the website stores information about all these services in one convenient place which can be accesses anytime and anywhere.”

Light refreshments will be served.

To RSVP, register by Wednesday, March 14, at,

For more information about the Disabilities Resource Fair and website launch event, contact Shai Davis, Senior Health Education Specialist at (707) 784-8679 and